Hes good at what he does

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*So yah I came back to this storie idk what happened in the last chapter so I just picked up from where I left off from go check out my other story pls give feed back*


He starts to move his hand down to your (F/C) laced panties you whince when he start to rub your clit you start to feel heat rush to your face "Is bitch~chan liking this, shake your head yes or no." laito said giving you a look with lust in his eyes. You close your eyes and look away this made him mad with his free hand he grabs your face "Look at me and tell me you like this" in truth you really did but you didnt want to admit it "laito-kun please stop" you say while blushing as he pushed two fingers in you making u wince with pleasure as hell started to pump you going in and out "Are you sure you want me to because bitch~chans little tight pussy keeps tightening around my fingers as I'm pumping it." At this moment I could feel a knot form in my stomach as a little moan escapes my mouth I can feel myself giving in to the pleasure so I whisper " keep going keep fucking me" but unlucky for me he herd what I had said " wow bitch~chan is so lewd is bitch~chan a pervert haha" and with that out of no where with no warning something bigger than his fingers inter me I let out a loud scream as I try to adjust to the new thing that's in me as soon as I'm adjusted to it he starts ramming into me as I started to scream in pleasure I couldnt believe how big he was. He kept going till he found my spot and once he did he kept hitting it as the knot in my stomach got bigger " is little bitch going to cum haha hmm not yet little bitch you have to ask permission first" he says as he goes harder " please laito-kun please let me cum" as I scream this out "there you go little bitch let's cum together hmm?" He says as we start to get to our climax together riding our highs out .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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