You Are My Amazing

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"And this one here matches with that one there, and we'll put these here together, and we'll take that one with this one..." They listened mindlessly to the professor babble on as he put the glass shards from the clock on a table, trying to see which fits with which.

Tintin was pacing in front of Riley and Celia, who were sitting on the bed facing the professor and the clock, and the captain was sitting on a loveseat next to the fireplace and mantle where the clock was sitting.

After a moment, Riley spoke. "Tintin, stop pacing like that, you're going to get dizzy going back and forth so much."

"I'm sorry." He said. "I just hope it works so that you two can-" he stopped mid sentence, a realization hitting him.

"We caaaan...?" Celia waved her hand in a circular motion, urging him to go on.

"So you can...go home." He finished sadly, not looking at them, but out the window to the garden. No one spoke for a moment after that (not even the babbling professor). Riley got up from her seat to go to where Tintin was. She looked out the window to the garden, which she noticed was the same garden as the one she had seen in the future. She put her arm around Tintin's shoulder and rested her head on his shoulder. "You know, I've always thought that garden was so beautiful. I like to take walks through there, it clears my mind." He said to her, in a quieter voice.

Riley patted his arm and looked up at him. "Do you want to talk for a sec?" Riley asked. "You seem like you've got something on your mind."

"Sure, follow me." He said, leading her out of the room and into the one next door, which was a study. Riley suspected that this was most likely wrote his articles. On the right side of the door against the front wall was a desk with a plethora of drawers, and papers were scattered across the top of the desk.

Tintin closed the door behind him and walked to Riley, who was now standing at the window. "You seemed so sad, is there something you wanted to-" he cut her sentence short.

"Don't go.". He said, his eyes downcast, not looking at her.

"What?" Riley said after a moment.

"Don't leave me. Please." He said, looking up to meet her eyes.

"Tintin, I don't think tha-"

"Please, hear me out." He cut her off again. She nodded and urged him to continue. "That night on the balcony, when it was just you and me, I realized something." He stepped closer to her, and took her hands in his. "I realized, I've found someone who I can open up to, who I can trust, who trusts me. I've found someone who actually...actually, loves me." He moved his hands to her face, to hold each side, and he brought her forehead to touch his. "And I love you." He said. He tilted his head, and brought his lips to hers. He kissed her sweetly, almost sadly, as if he were savoring the moment, as if the moment would never come back.

"Tintin," Riley broke the kiss, pulling his face back to look at her. "you just met me. I've only known you for a couple days, this is crazy-"

"Exactly! That's why it works! Riley, I never believed in love before, let alone love at first sight, but you changed that! And I know..." He paused.

"Know what?" Riley asked.

"I know, that if you leave will never come back to me." His eyes dropped to the floor.

"Don't be ridiculous, of course you'll find someone else! You're the sweetest, most kind boy I've ever met. You make me feel good about myself, and you make me happy, and make me feel my god" she paused for a moment.

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