What a Surprise!

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*Knock, Knock*
Violetta opens the door.

Lara: Long time no see Vilu.
Violetta keeps quiet.
Ludmila: Hi sis, Come in.
Lara: Vilu are you ok?
Violetta: Yes im Fine!!! And Leons mine!! And..
Ludmila interrupts.
Ludmila: Vilu its ok calm down! Do want some tea? It is relaxing.
Violetta: Noo!! I dont want any of your tea!!!
*Violetta Bursts into tears*
Ludmila: Just give me one sec Lara

Ludmila tries to calm down violetta and they go to her room.

Ludmila: Shh everything is ok. Dont worry Lara wont get Leon back. He is in love with you and will miss you when you leave.

Violetta calms down but keeps quiet.

Ludmila: Just pack your stuff. I need to do something.

Ludmila comes back to Lara

Ludmila: Still have leons phone number? I dont have it on my new phone.

Ludmila calls fran,cami,leon to see violetta.

Lara: So what did they say they are coming?

Ludmila: yeah..

Lara: Is leom coming??

Ludmila: Listen he is not your  boyfriend anymore he is Violetta's so back off.

Lara: Since when you started caring  for Violetta? Remember how you used to hate her and lock her in rooms to fail her auditions..

Ludmila: I dont know. I think it was time to change..a special person helped me to be better.( thinks of federico)

Lara: Whatever..

Ludmila: Anyways i need to pack.. and you should too.

Lara: Already did.

Ludmila: Congratulations. Ludmila is out!

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