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Killing him wasn't something i enjoyed. I was obliged to to become the new queen of miruela. My mother told me it was hard becoming the queen. There is a game that goes on every fifty years. Not child's play, but in fact a matter of life and death. In this game, everybody between the ages of 18-67 must participate in fighting to obtain the red flag at the top of the mountain. 

You can quit, die, or win. One surviving couple is allowed to win. This may seem inappropriate, but the kingdom always wants a ruler that is strong enough to fight for her title. It was the day and i was fully prepared. i had a boyfriend, Jake, the only person that understood me. i had a very low self esteem because i am albino. Jake is the only guy who got to know the real me and love her to bits. I was 18, he, 19. We were going together as a couple.

At 9:00am it was time and we got into the first bus everybody was following to the mirela armageddon. from far, i could see the red flag on the huge mountain and i thought if he fact that 24 hours later it would be covered in the blood of many people. probably mine too. 

When the war started, the killing started. Jake and i sticked together and almost died millions of times but we killed lots of people. Slitting their throats and shooting them with arrows. I was a complete mess. the cries of people and blood spluttering out of the veins of so many people's children filled the air. it was a sickening experience.

Jake and I made our own camp in the depths of a very dark forest in the night where we could not be found. We did lots of things, ate, killed, camped, survived and made love. All in all, at the end of the day we had killed about 400 people.

At 4:00am the next morning i was up. I woke Jake up to continue our quest. we started and still took more souls on the way up. When we were at the top finally, i stared straight at someone else who had also reached. it was chris, my ex, who i still loved more than anything. He was alone and i knew he couldn't win but he was still willing to kill jake. Emotions rushed through my veins. But, i knew who i truly belonged to. i turned back and at the speed of light, drove my knife into jakes neck. he fell dead. "he was trying to kill you" chris said

"i know, i could see from your open locket's mirror" i replied

jake wanted to kill me and pick his ex who quit to be his wife, unbelievable.

Now, i am the confident queen even though i lost my pinky finger in the war. i always wondered why my mom has one arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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