Chapter Four: Liam/Erin

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    "Louis, where are we going?!" Erin said playfully.

    "I not quite sure," he answer, tugging her hand and pulling her along. 

    Erin giggled, "Well make up your mind!" 

    Louis stopped in front of Weis. "Maybe we should get Niall some more food? He cleaned out the refrigerator and that meal from McDonalds won't last him long!" 

    "Fine," Erin said. "Who knows, maybe we'll find Zayn and Ashlyn here! But I doubt that... Ashlyn wouldn't step foot in a grocery store. The only shopping she does fills up her closest, not her fridge."

    Louis laughed. They walked inside and started walking down all the aisles. Louis filled up the cart quickly. 

    They got to the cookie aisles. "Let's get Niall some Oreos!"

    "Alright," Erin started looking at the Oreos. "Should we get the original or double stuff?" There was no answer, she turned around. "Louis?" she looked around. 'Did he just ditch me...' Erin thought to herself. She grabbed two cases of double stuffed Oreos and kepted walking down the aisles. In one aisles there was an old man hunched over, cleaning the floor. Erin thought she spotted someone walk by in stripes so she ran down the aisle. But before she knew it she slipped on the wet floor, but luckily the old man caught her. 

    She was still furious, because she might have lost Louis again. "There should be a wet floor sign up!" she threatened. Then she looked up at the old man's face.

    She fell to the floor in a laughing fit. Then the old man started laughing. They ended up rolling around on the wet floor holding their stomachs.

    "What are you doing?!" she finally caught a breath.

    "I dunno! I was hiding from you and then I found a closet-" he said with a British accent. It was Louis.

    "Oh my god! I can't believe you! I thought you ditched me!" she kept laughing.

    A few people walked by, "Should an employee be doing that?" they could hear some of them talking about them.

    Louis got up and ran down the aisle, found their cart and and started ride it around the store. Erin ran after him, in fits of laughter.

    "You're gonna get us in trouble!" she yelled while giggling.

    Louis stopped the cart. Erin caught up with him. She stopped and started catching her breath. Before she had time to think, Louis lifted her up and placed her in the cart, on top of all the food for Niall.

    "What're you doing?" Erin asked, STILL laughing.

    Louis looked Erin in the eyes, kissed her on the forehead and said, "Just... get ready." Then he started sprinting down the aisles as fast as possible, Erin almost fell off on every turn and half the food flew out of the cart. Erin was screaming and laughing. EVERYONE in the store was staring but she didn't care. She was having an amazing time with an amazing guy. 

    Louis stopped by the meat section. He walked over to the chickens slowly. He lifted on up, "Kevin... is that you?" he sobbed.

    Erin was in tears! 'How can someone be so funny?' she wondered. 

    "Louis, put the chicken down! People don't usually eat pigeons!" she reassured with a giggle.

    "ALRIGHT! Let's go!" Louis screamed in his tv host voice. But instead of heading towards the cash registers he pushed the carrot the back of the store. he turned down a little hallway where the bathrooms are and lifted Erin out of the cart.

    "You're so much fun Louis," she complimented. "It's great getting to spend time with you!" she smiled.

    "You're fun too!" Louis said back. "I can't believe I didn't get caught!" he chuckled. 

    "Didn't get caught? Might wanna take that back sir," said a woman security guard. She had the structure of a man. "Sir, you're in big trouble! You made a mess of the whole store."

    Erin didn't take her eyes off Louis and Louis didn't take his eyes off the security guard.

    "Do you KNOW who this is, ma'am?" Erin asked.

    "Louis Tomlinson. From One Direction. I know," he answered. "But wanna know what else I know?"

    Erin and Louis looked at her questioningly.

    "One Direction doesn't deserve this much fame," she laughed. Erin couldn't take it, she tried running towards the woman, but Louis grabbed her by her arms. "And I'm not gonna let this hooligan go!" she yelled into Louis' faced.

    Louis pulled Erin close, took her hand, and looked her in the eyes then back at the security guard. "It's been great knowing you, ma'am!" he didn't even finish his sentence before running, pulling Erin along.

    Erin started running to. She turned around to see three security guards running towards them, one of them was the woman.

    Then Louis let go of her hand. 'DAMMIT!' Erin thought. But Louis ripped of the Weis uniform, threw it behind them, and grabbed her hand again.

    They sprinted out the door and ran into the woods right behind the store. They didn't stop running for what felt like forever, but when the finally stopped Erin check her phone. It was only 4:15 and she had 23 missed phone calls. 'Shit,' she thought. She looked at Louis, he had pulled out his phone too. They were both staring at eachother, concerned, trying to catch their breaths.

    Louis smirked alittle and before they knew it they were both on the ground, laughing. Louis scooted towards Erin and lifted her head so it would lay on his arm. 

    "That was CRAZY!" he kept laughing. "Did you see her? She thought she could get THE Louis Tomlinson into trouble. HAH!"

    Erin looked up at Louis, still giggling. She looked into his eyes. "That was really fun, Lou."

    "It was! Wanna do it again sometime?" he smiled.

    "Can we?" Erin grinned back.

    Louis kissed her forehead again, "It's a date!"

    Erin picked up her head and place it on Louis' chest. 'Louis just said it was a date...' she thought. 'I have a date with Louis Tomlinson. I have a date with Louis Tomlinson,' she sang in her head.

    She started to get back up, Louis grabbed her arm. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

    "I think we should head back. I had like 100 missed calls! They're probably starting to worry..."

    "But, I'm really relaxed. I don't wanna move!" he whined.

    Erin got up and giggled. She put her hands out for Louis. He grabbed them and she tried pulling him up, but he wasn't helping. She ended up dragging him a couple feet. "Lou, your pants will get dirty!"

    "You're right!" he jumped up. He hugged her. "You're an awesome girl, Erin."

    She blushed, "You're awesome too."

    They walked out of the woods and sprinted across the Weis parking lot so no one would recognize them.

    The started walking towards the McDonalds parking lot, but Louis stopped her.

    "LOOK OVER THERE!" he shouted. 

    Erin looked where he was pointing but didn't see anything. She turned to her left, "What?" she asked. But Louis wasn't there. Then she felt a tap on her right shoulder so she turned around. Then she left something soft on her lips.

    Louis pulled away and grabbed her hand again. Then he started sprinting towards the van. Erin was being pulled along, she was so dazed. She couldn't even stop smiling.

  When the got to the van Liam was glaring. 'Uh oh,' Erin's stopped smiling. Louis looked at Liam. Then he turned around and saw some pigeons. "KEVIN!" he screamed, leaving Erin to do the explaining. 

    "I... We... Sorry?" she tried.

    "Get Louis and let's go," Liam said strictly.

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