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Through the hustle of the 54 precinct, Danny ushered his new suspect through the crowded halls and over to the interrogation box when he saw his sister standing next to his desk. He knew that she wanted answers to what he was able to find considering that she was the one dealing with the court case. He put him inside the room and then walked right over to her.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Is that your guy?" she asked getting right down to business.

"We're pretty sure," he told her.

"Pretty sure?" she questioned.

"Mrs. Morrison said that she saw him hiding in their bushes," Danny explained to her, "Their relationship is the same as the other victims."

"That's not enough for your case Danny," Erin stated, saying what he felt like was pointing out the obvious.

"I know that," Danny responded, "But I can get more if I can get him to talk. Can we at least hold him on trespassing and the weapon?"

"Possession of a concealed weapon? He had a taser not a gun Danny," Erin corrected, "You can hold him for about a day or two on trespassing but that's the most I can give you."

"Well at least that's something," he gave in, "Thanks." He walked over to the box and entered to begin the interrogation. His partner was back by the desk talking to the Morrisons preparing to get a positive ID on the man that they had brought in for questioning. So there he was alone in the box with the intruder and their potential killer. But there was something about his responses to his arrest that told Danny that he was the guy that they were looking for. He sat across from the man and surveyed him. He watched as he sat contempt in his chair, almost as if he was sure of his innocence in the matter.

"Okay Michael," Danny said, opening up the file in front of him, "You were seen lurking on Mr. and Mrs. Morrison's property and we caught you breaking into their home with a weapon. Seems to me like you're in a whole lot of trouble."

"It's not what its looks like," Michael insisted.

"Then why don't you tell me what it's like," Danny countered, interested to see what kind of excuse the man sitting before him would condor up.

"I hadn't heard from her," Michael explained, "Monica, we worked together. Someone told me that something was going on with her, something bad, and I tried calling her but she wouldn't answer. So I went by her house to see if she was okay."

"You went through the back and not the front?" Danny questioned.

"I heard some noise from the house so I went around back to see if she was okay," Michael insisted, "And then I saw the two of them. Monica looked terrified of him. Then he saw me and I didn't know what to do so I ran."

"So you went over to check up on Monica and saw her husband abusing her is that it?" he asked him, not believing any part of his story for many good reasons.

"Yeah that's it," he said sticking to story.

"Where do you work Michael um," Danny asked realizing he didn't really get this man's last name.

"O'Shea," he told him, "I uh, used to manage a building back home but when I came here did some extra work and ended up in law."

"Really?" Danny asked knowing very well that it would give him access to the files on the first two victims.

"Yeah," he said, "I used to live in Jersey but I moved back to New York to be closer to my family. Especially to my youngest daughter after I heard she got married."

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