Chapter 6: More answers?

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I was already out of the backroom, raided the kitchen, and walking out with more deep thoughts brewing. I tried to keep track of where I was going so I wouldn't walk into a wall again but, my thoughts took over, as usual.

What did Vincent mean by, "When I'm done with you, you'll be working here 24/7."?

Were things really goanna get real tonight or, was he just bluffing?

Who is Vincent?!

I stopped walking to think after that last one,

"Who are you Vincent..?" I whispered.

I looked up to the camera above. The red light was flashing, meaning Vincent was watching that view and, he could see me,

"Vincent! I know you can see and hear me!" I yelled at the camera, "Why can't you just tell me who you are already?! I am sick of your stupid game!"

The red light flashed for a bit longer then, stopped; he was no long looking in that view.

I huffed then looked down a long hall. I started to remember that this hall would lead me to the Manager's Office so, I walked down the hall, knowing my answers would be at my grasp. That is when I heard a very loud,

"Ready or not, here we come! MHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I gasped.

Shadow Bonnie...

I rushed over to the Manager's Office and quickly opened the door. Once inside, I quickly but carefully, closed the door.

I quickly looked around for a hiding spot. The only hiding spot I saw was unsurprisingly, under the desk. So without much thought, I rushed over and hid myself underneath.

I waited a few minutes and then I heard something crashing into the room.

"Where is she!?" Shadow Bonnie yelled, "Where is she!?" Shadow Bonnie yelled again while banging on some metal.

JEEZ! That scared the heck out of me!

I then heard him breathe heavily, as if something just coked him and only just let go. He banged the metal once more,

"Where is she..?" He said in a soft, sad tone.

Huh... He sounds like he's going to cry.

"Alright Batman, I think we should call it a night." I heard Shadow Freddy say.

There was silence, "Are you alright my fellow shadow?" He asked.

I heard Shadow Bonnie sigh, "You know what will happen to us if we don't catch her ourselves." He said sadly, "I know, we'll be replaced." Shadow Freddy stated.

"But we mustn't fear. 'In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.' Lee Iacocca." I heard him said, very poetic.

There was another silence, intruded with what sounded like sniffling,

"Hehe... Your quotes always cheer me up." Shadow Bonnie said. Shadow Freddy laughed,

"On night 1, you said you hated my quotes." He said jokingly. Shadow Bonnie laughed too except, it was a clam laugh. It was more of a normal laugh than his normal psychotic laugh,

"Ha! I only said that just because I was mad!" He said in his loud voice,

"And by that, I mean angry mad, not crazy mad!" I heard Shadow Freddy laugh at that,

Jeez, are these two like brothers or something? Cause if I could see this, I would be AWW-ing like man.

"Aw come on brother, let's go." I heard them walk out,

"You know we aren't really brothers right?" Shadow Bonnie said at a distant,

"Yeah, I know my friend." Shadow Freddy replied, "I know."

I wait a couple of minutes to see if they were really gone. I peeked from underneath the desk to see no one,

Whoa, that was a close one. The Shadows are really that gullible huh. I thought.

"Alright, let's get down to business." I said while remembering that I had a clue to find.

I started to open the filing cadets to see if there was anything that maybe the clue. ANYTHING at all! After a brief moment of opening and closing cadets, I found the resume for the employees,

"Ah ha. Now to find Vincent." I said, "Vincent. Vincent. Vincent. V... V... V... Where are you?" I mumble while flipping through, "Vincent... Vincent... Vincent... Ah ha! Found you."

I started to read his resume:

Name: Vincent Afton

Age: 37

Hair color: Dark brown

Eye color: Dark brown

Previous job(s): Day Guard at Fredbear's Family Diner

Expertise: Working a computer and cameras and, expert programmer

Note(s): Always has a creepy grin on his face. Always seems to be in the backroom at his previous job.

Afterwards, I decided to keep the resume, just in case. I started to think about everything I read and discovered so far,

Ok, the date on it was 2 years ago so, Vincent must have been working here for quite some time. He's good with computers, he likes the Backroom a lot and... His last name is Afton.

Afton, something about that name just felt familiar to me. Like, I was support to know who Afton was but, I couldn't pinpoint it. As I was about to leave, I heard the 6 o'clock bell ring,

"Sigh... Back to Backroom..." I said in disappointment. So, I walked to the Backroom.

When I got there thought, I saw Vincent walk out of it. He turned and saw me. He looked down to see his resume in my hand. He chuckled,

"I see you have found my clue." He said. I just looked at him, thinking. I finally spoke,

"Vincent, can I ask you a question?" I asked him. He chuckled again,

"Listen, you can ask as many questions your little heart desires tomorrow night. The Shadows wouldn't be out then. So, we can just have a little chat tomorrow." He said.

A little chat huh? Seems odd. Why just talk on the 4th night?

"Does that sound nice to you?" He asked, breaking my thought process,

"Yes, it... it does..." I shuttered.

He chuckled again,

"Till tomorrow night." He said while walking away. I sighed,

At least I have a little more info. At least...

I hoped that my new question will be answered soon.

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