Chapter 1

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"Hi my name is Janyla and what I'm about tell you is life changing, so stay tuned!!"
Story goes like this.......
Today felt like any ordinary day. I did my normal school morning routine. After I washed and ate I said goodbye to my parents and my little sister. Then I headed out the door to walk to school, as soon as I walked in the school doors I was greeted by my best friend Kayla.

"Hey Janyla." Kayla practically yelled
"Geez, did you have to be that loud and hello." I replied covering my ears.
"Anyway we have a sub for 6th period and it should be fun." She told me.
"Ugh no if you're thinking about breaking the rules count me out!" I said to her.

Honestly I don't like to get in trouble and I guess you can call me a good girl.

"Janyla Barnes." My name was called over the P.A system
"That's me byeee!" I whispered nervously to Kayla
"Bye good luck." She whispered back

I make my way down to the office and the guidance counselor greets me with a good morning and some news

"Good morning Janyla" she said
"Good morning to you Mrs. Thomas" I said politely

I then see a boy sitting down with his school things and he looks very familiar. I start to think that's Jahi Winston from the New Edition mini series but I can't get a clear view.

"There is a new student and I would like for you to get him comfortable with the school. May you show him around and get him use to his classes for the next two weeks?"
"Yes ma'am I would be willing to do so."
"Thank you so much his name is Jahi Winston and his first period is science with Mr.Evans." Mrs.Thomas said
"I have Mr.Evans first period science class so that wouldn't be no hassle lml." I told her
"Okay good luck Jahi and thanks again Janyla."
"Thank you!" Jahi said quietly
"You're welcome Mrs.Thomas." I nervously added.

I was so nervous because he is who I thought he was, he was Jahi Winston. He is famous and I was going to keep my cool and be his friend before all the girls were up on him. The walk was quiet until he spoke up.

"So your name is Janyla right?" Jahi said waking me out of my thoughts
"Y..yes your Jahi right? Wait of course you are, almost everyone should know that." I proclaimed embarrassing myself.
"Yep that's me but hey since you're like my only friend right now could I have your number to like catch up on things here?" Jahi asked
"Umm.. yea sure!" I give it to him excitedly
Then he gives me his I save it as "Jahi😍🤣" making sure he doesn't see. I guess I didn't make sure too good because he saw it.

"I like my emojis." He chuckles
"Whatt.. I put everyone's name like that?!" I said nervously but confidently
"So everyone's name has a heart eye emoji? "Don't worry I saved your name as "Nyla❤️😋"he told me causing me to get happy inside
"Thanks I guess." I whispered while blushing
"Yeah yeah." He said
"Well we're here." I said softly told him
"Ight." Jahi said

I love the way he speaks it's like he has an accent but then he doesn't ,it's confusing. Anyway when we got to the classroom it was a breeze. Mr.Evans introduced the Jahi and he told a little about himself.

******(Skipping to lunch)******

Lunch came and I went to my friends ,but I forgot about Jahi. So I went to look for him so he could sit with us. I found him traveling the halls, you could tell he was nervous.

"Jahi!!!" I yelled
"Ugh yeah?" He yelled back
"Come here! What are you doing?" I said walking towards him
"I was on the phone with my friend the rest of them are suppose to be starting school tomorrow." He says lightway excited
"Taking a lil break from acting and getting used to public school huh?" I asked
"I guess you can say that but I won't be at this school forever." He says
"Aww, okay we were just starting to be friends and do you want to eat lunch with me?" I asked hoping he'll say yes
"Sure." He says happily
I lead to the cafeteria and show him where I sit and my friends. Everyone is staring at us. I mean he is famous so who wouldn't be. To be honest I don't want to look at Jahi like he is famous if ya know what I mean. I want to see him as a friend and a supporter,someone who he can vent to and talk to without them going crazy because he is who he is. Not that I don't care that he is famous but sometimes people can get tired of that and I want him to be comfortable at his new school.

"Do they always do this?" He asked me
"No not really but sort of." I answer snapping out of my thoughts
"Okay." He nods
"We'll meet my friends."
"This is Kayla." I say pointing to her
"Hi nice to meet you Jahi Winston."she shouts
"Kayla calm down, he is a human make him feel comfortable." I say
"Hi Kayla and yea you guys can be normal with me." Jahi sincerely says
"This is Tamiyah." I say pointing to Tamiyah
"Hey." She says as normal and unawkward as possible.
"Nice to meet y'all." Jahi says politely
"Nice to meet you too" Kayla and Tamiyah says
"My friends are coming tomorrow. So is Lyric and Saraia." Jahi tells us
"Ooou is Tyler coming?" Kayla asks him
"Yep." Jahi says making the "P" pop
"Cooolll!"Kayla yells
Then the bells rings and lunch is over sadly.

********(skipping to the end of the day)********
Jahi approaches me at my locker. I didn't even know he knew where it was. He probably asked someone. He asks to walk me home. I quickly say yes then play it off. I tell him where I stay since we're friends. He gets excited and tell me that he just moved down the street. That explains why I seen moving trucks.


I'm going to change the story up I'm going write the story as Janyla moving to their school I know that they're homeschooled but I'm going to do it that way. It makes more sense for her to go to their school instead of all of them moving. But stay tuned and I will keep this up here just because idk😂😂

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