elton- suicide bridge

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"Boo!" Elton yells, jumping out at you.

You scream, jump back, and run 2 feet away before realizing it was elton. You get scared easily and you hate that elton knows that because it's his mission to scare you. You two have been best friends since 6th grade. You have liked him before but then he started dating amanda. You decided to joke around with elton.

"Hey elton." You say.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I kinda wish there was something between us." You say.

"Yeah me too." He said.

"Wait really?" You asked. Knowing him you thought he'd say something stupid.

"Yeah, a wall." He said laughing. There it is.

Then he walked away, just like that. You ran to him. "Why are you walking away. Stop." You asked.

"I can't stop, I have to go pack." He said.

"For what?"

"Something... me, sam, corey, and colby are going. You can come to if you want."

"Ok... but what am I supposed to pack?"

"A camera, camera equipment, I mean that is, if you want to film it for your YouTube channel. A blanket, not big, small. Also a small pillow."

"Alright. I'll come back to your house when I'm done." You say heading to your car.

Later on:

"Yo elton I'm here." You yell through the house. "Elton?" You walked around the kitchen seeing if he was hiding. Then you walked into the living room. Then you reached the stairs. You finally decided to put your book bag that you've been carrying down. You climbed the stairs. "Elton?"

You walk passed circa and pet petted her. Then you as you walked passed Corey's room, out popped 4 boys yelling random words. You screamed making circa run away into Sam's room. They all started laughing. "Ok, let's go now." Elton said. We all piled into the  car, elton driving with corey in the passenger seat. You got sam(and colby)whiched between sam and colby. They turned on the radio and congratulations started palying so everyone was jamming.

9:55pm Suicide bridge

"Are you kidding me." You say, once you recognize the place. "You tricked me into going to freaking suicide bridge!? I've always wanted to come here but you've know I wouldn't come free willingly. But wait a sec... you guys got possessed last time. Dude, elton, you almost got killed. Why did you come back? Didn't you tell your fans you'd go somewhere scary someplace different?"

"Yeah but all the boys agreed to come back. By the way, I brought this." Elton said, pulling out the ouji board.

Corey turned the flashlight toward the trees. "I'm not going to play THAT! I got possessed last time so I'm out." Corey said, turning the flashlight towards some crunching sound.

"Did you hear that?" Sam asked, shining his light the same way. You nodded.

"I didn't hear anything." Colby said.

You guys walked down the path to the underneath side of the bridge. Once you made it there, elton set the ouji board on the table. Imedietly, we started playing. Corey filmed.

"Is there anyone here?" Elton asked. The thing moved to yes. "Are you the same ghost as last time?" It's moved to yes. Then it started spelling something out. T-h-e-r-e a-r-e m-o-r-e. "There are more ghosts?" Elton asked shakely. It moved to yes.

"Ok guys I'm freaked out." I said. Elton grabbed the camera. Corey smiled Evily. "Corey.. you alright?"

"Yeah, can I play?" He said. Everyone glanced around at eachother. This happened last time.

"Um... yeah sure." I said. Corey set his hands on. Then he asked something really stupid.

"Are you the ghosts that possessed us last time? And are you going to kill one of us this time?"

"Corey shut up." We all yelled. It was too late. It moved to yes.

"Ok. I'm done." I said, pulling my fingers off the board.

Then corey did. He turned on the flashlight and pointed it towards the wall. There, a dark figure stood. We all screamed and ran leaving the ouji board there. We made it to the the car.

"Phew, we're safe." Elton said.

"Uh... guys, we never said goodbye." Sam said. We looked at eachother. And there infront of the car, the black figure stood.

Literally as I was typing all this, my heart was pounding.
Doesn't help that my house is haunted and it's currently 1:12am. Here's their recent suicide bridge video which is where, yes they got possessed. Then there's the rest of the videos. Hope you enjoyed this one.

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