Gardening (FrUk)

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It was a beautiful day. The sun shining with clouds elegantly painted across the sky. The birds chirped while sitting on fence. Those birds soon flying away with a tomato flying by. That tomato hitting poor Francis. His scream filling the air.

"What the hell?!?" He felt around his head for the juicy substance." My hair!"

"That's what you get, you frog!" A certain Brit said from the other side of the fence.

"What did I do?"

"Claim your garden is better." He stated as he walked around the fence.

"Because it is."

"I have more of those tomatoes if you want to keep saying that."

"Go ahead." Francis stood up. "My garden is still better."

"Mine is."

"No it isn't."

"Damn you!" Arthur threw another tomato. The fruit landing in Francis' face. The Frenchman simply wiped it off his face.

"This means war." With that he walked into his house.

"I suppose it is."


The next day there was no sign of Arthur which brought great relief to Francis. He woke up early like always, got what he needed, and went to tend his garden. It was simply his favorite time of the day. He loved to tend to the beautiful lilacs and roses. Those being only two of the many different flowers he had grown.

It was only made a living hell when Arthur would come out to do the same. It had only been two years since the Brit moved in next door and they despised each other. Nothing was worse for Francis than seeing those damn eyebrows. It wasn't always like this. The first year was fairly nice until they got to know each other.

Then there were constant wars.

Francis sighed thinking of how Arthur ruined his beautiful flowers before. The Brit, of course, claimed it was an accident but Francis never believed it for a second.

He started whistling as he got on his knees to see what needed to be done.

"On your knees? Have you finally bowed down to me?" Francis sighed at the voice he heard. He looked up to fine Arthur looking over the vine covered fence.

"What do you want?"

"Well, aren't we at war?"

"Yes, yes, but I'd like to enjoy my garden rather than use it for competition."

"Well that explains why it's so ugly."

"Mine has color. Yours doesn't."

"Your point?"

"You don't know anything about gardening."

"Yes I do!" Francis stood up.

"Whatever." He went back inside thinking of going to the stored to get more flowers. It felt like something was missing. What could it be...? He thought.


As Francis got out of his car, he noticed Arthur watering whatever was on his side. Not really knowing why, Francis stopped and studied the other. The way the sun shined on that gorgeous face and not quite golden hair. The scene was captivating. Arthur suddenly looked to Francis. The Frenchman reacting late due to those piecing eyes that reminded him of forest trees. He blinked, looking away, and getting what he needed out of his car.

He went inside trying to avoid eye contact with Arthur. All he could feel was that cold stare from the Brit. When he shut his front door, he sighed. Get it together! He internally screamed at himself before setting everything down. You're at war with him! What are you doing? With another sigh, he went to get ready.

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