Marking Territory

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Tips for marking and keeping territory -

Recognize your scent. That way, you can tell if another creature is on your territory. Map the territory. On the map, put some routes for escape in case hunters arrive. Also put routes to your human house (if you have one) and your den (if you have one). Mark areas on the map with symbols to show where facilities and landmarks are (clothes stashes, pools of water etc). Bury remains of food you caught (if you are eating human food, DO NOT BURY THE WRAPPER. Only bury the FOOD REMAINS, like fat or bones) so your territory isn't cluttered up. If you know where any other were - creatures are mark their territory on a bigger map so you don't trespass. Store valuable things in a secure place in your den, your human house or in a bag you carry with you. Don't litter, it could have an effect on the prey in your territory. If you have any magic talismans or charms, especially those you found or were given, store them in a separate place to the other things. Stay hidden, so hunters don't find you.

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