Day Four - Red Blood

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Millie's P.O.V.

We were up and in The Hall by 8 am, still looking like a couple of zombies, and the other kids eyed us questioningly. We ignored them and quickly ate before asking the helpers for a picnic pack again. "You know where everything is. Have fun." Natalia said, motioning to the cabinets. We packed as much as we could carry before walking back to cabin five to compare our maps and make a plan. "I say we stick together this time and investigate the footsteps a bit more." Jack proposed, looking at Finn for approval. Finn nodded and I rolled my eyes at the two. They were so in love yet so unaware of it. I felt eyes burn into the side of my face and looked to my right to see Sadie looking at me with her arm around me and a backpack on her back, smiling down at me. I smiled back and we all set off into the woods.

We followed the trail for an hour until we ended up behind cabin five again. We couldn't see any other footsteps and I shuddered at the thought of someone being so close to where Sadie and I slept at night. Speaking of Sadie, she looked like she was about to go to war. Her winter-fire-hair burned in the sunlight while it furiously swung from side to side in her ponytail. Her black tank top and black shorts, paired with her red flannel tied around her wait almost made her look like she was going to a festival, if it weren't for the mud, bugs, and various other forest-things attached to them. Her worn black Converse looked like they'd gone to hell and back, and the determined look on her face could've scared away a bear. And here she was, keeping me save from who- or whatever took Maddie.

"Spread out and look for something - anything - that could give us a clue as to where she is." Finn instructed and we all did so. We were all sweaty and annoyed and scared and whenever any of the other kids saw us, they didn't dare ask questions. We had the oldest kids amongst us so we basically ruled the camp. Of course I was fairly young but Caleb and Sadie were both a few years older. No wonder Sadie was so protective over me. We searched for a while until I heard a scream that could've come from only two people: Jack and Caleb. It turned out to be Jack and we all ran towards him. He pointed at the ground right behind our cabin. We all fell silent. "Blood." Finn said in a broken voice. "Oh god." Sophia whispered. I just stared into the distance as a strange high-pitched beep took over my hearing. My eyesight faded but I was still conscious. "Millie." Gaten's voice sounded like I was under water. "Millie!" His voice got clearer. "Millie." I heard him this time and my eyesight returned. "Are you okay?" He asked me. I frowned, wondering how I ended up on the ground. Behind him I saw the rest of the Strangers and the Losers looking at me concernedly. "I'm fine." I muttered and I got up. "Here." Finn handed me a bottle of water and Sadie grabbed my hand with unsure motions. I let her.

We sat inside of cabin nine, cabin five was a bit small for all of us, working out some theories on what happened. "So here's what we think we know," Sophia started, reading from the notebook Jeremy had written everything in. "Maddie's mom wouldn't let Maddie go here this year. Maddie, wanting to be here, ran away and tried to reach the camp on foot. She was chased by someone, who then left us a false trail, and was injured by the time that she reached cabin five. She reached it before we got here. Questions are: who did it, what with, what is her current state, where is she, when did it happen exactly, why did someone do it, why wasn't she allowed to go here this year, how are we gonna find her." We all looked up at her from our place on the ground. "And what do we do now?" Caleb softly spoke up. "Now we contact her family and see if it's true that she wasn't allowed to come here this year." I said, my voice sounding steady while my whole body was shaking. "Maybe we should also contact the cops..." Chosen proposed. "They'll send us home." Finn said. "Finn's right, we have to stay here to do this." Jeremy backed him up. "If we find nothing, we'll give them an anonymous tip." Noah said. We all agreed with that and started walking towards Winona's cabin to try and contact the Zieglers.

Miss Ziegler? I would like to ask a question about Maddie

Okay, go ahead. I've been answering questions about her for the last few days anyways

Why wasn't she allowed to come to camp this year?

What do you mean? She was allowed but she ran away the day before I was gonna drop her off.

So there would be no reason for her to run off to go to camp?

No. Millie, what is this about?

Nothing, we were just curious, that's all

If you've found something and you're not telling me I will have you arrested

I know. Have a nice day, say hi to Kenz for me, please.

I sighed and turned to the eleven faces staring at me. "Her mom would've let her go to camp." I said, frowning. "Then why did she run away?" Jeremy asked. "And how did Matthew, David, and Winona know she wouldn't be here?" Finn wondered out loud. "Well it could be that her mom had told them she was missing." Sadie said. I slowly shook my head, remembering something. "They always put people in a cabin with two people or more, right?" I asked everyone. They slowly nodded. "And cabin number five is a two-people cabin?" They agreed again. "And there are no three-people cabins with only two people in them?" "No, I heard Natalia talk about how everything was full." Gaten said. "And they always make the plans for who goes where a few weeks beforehand." Realization began to dawn on the others' faces. "So then why were we put together." Sadie finished in a quiet voice. "The day I arrived Matthew told me Maddie wouldn't be here and told me I was paired with you. But there was no alternative for you to be paired with. Which means-" Finn interrupted me. "It means they already knew she'd be missing a few weeks before she did."

"So what now?" Jaeden asked, standing up and dragging Wyatt up with him. Finn also got up, Jack joining him. "Now we try to find out what the fuck is happening in this camp. I say we lay low for today. We'll make a plan on how to interrogate Winona, Matthew, and David, and we try to figure out a motive. Tomorrow we-" Sophia stood up, dragging Sadie and I with her. "Tomorrow the Losers will keep looking for her while the Strangers ask questions. Tonight we sleep. Pretend like everything is okay during dinner and breakfast tomorrow. We don't know who else is in on this." We all agreed with her plan and the rest also got up. Together we walked to The Hall.

We planned in cabin number nine until 1 am. Then Chosen ordered us all to bed. This time I did get changed. So did Sadie. We silently agreed to push our mattresses to the middle of the room to protect each other from the blood behind the cabin and the conspiracy in the staff. "Night." I muttered against her arm. "Night." She replied, kissing my forehead.

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