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Richelle strokes her finger over the heart shaped mark on the top of her right ribcage, her pink tank top lifted up as she lays in bed, trying to fall asleep. Richelle has cried on and off involuntarily at least five times today alone, and she's been feeling unexplainably down all week, so she knows whoever her soulmate is, that they are extremely distraught. Richelle isn't sure if she is happy about having a soulmate or not. Only about half of the population has a soulmate, the rest can fall in love with whoever they want. Admittedly, their love and connection will never be anywhere near as strong as someone who has a soulmate's would be with their soulmate, but at least they don't have to deal with the rare, but ultimately possible chance of not ever meeting their soulmate. For all Richelle knows her soulmate could be somewhere in the middle of Asia and she'd never know. It's a blessing and a curse to have a soulmate. Once you connect with that person, it's supposed to be beyond magical. You have matching birthmarks, which is cute and all, but you feel all of their pain, you feel the same emotions as your soulmate at the exact same time. If one person is sad, you both become sad. If one person is happy, you both become happy. Richelle swears her soulmate is depressed or something, as as of the past year, she's rarely been happy, and she always has a heavy feeling in her heart. There's no reason for her to be unhappy, she's perfectly content with her life, but yet she is, so she knows it's her soulmates pain that she's also enduring. This has caused Richelle to ultimately pour her soul into dance, that's the only thing that she can do to keep her mind off of the heavy feelings. Richelle can't help but hope her soulmate is also a dancer. Tonight Richelle finds it hard to fall asleep, she tosses and turns, an unfamiliar feeling lurking in the pits of her stomach. Tomorrow is auditions for A-Troupe, so maybe she's just nervous, but she's never been this nervous before. Eventually she drifts into a deep sleep, but little does she know, the morning holds something more exciting and life changing than she could have ever possibly imagined.

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