The Luna

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A numb ache spread through her knuckles each time they collided with the bag, the small holes dotted over it's peeling red exterior wept grains of sand on each impact. Dani paused to regain her breath, the ache spread from its epicentre in her knuckles into her biceps. The ache was her favourite part, it kept her grounded; reminded her that she was capable of feeling something other than the burning pain her pack mates inflicted upon her or the overwhelming loneliness that consumed her heart.

Mentally shaking herself out of her melancholy thoughts Dani unwrapped the ratty old bandages that she had secured around her knuckles prior to her morning workout. She slipped out of the once-white-now-grey sports bra she wore as well as the faded blue cotton shorts which looked ridiculous in her opinion, the loose material hung limply on her hips as she had tried her hardest to secure them around her frail waist. She used her workout clothes to wipe the sweat off her body as best as possible then used the sink in her room to clean her body more thoroughly. She scrunched up her nose in disgust as she realised she'd have to use her workout clothes again to dry off her body as it wasn't worth sneaking downstairs to get a towel then having to hand wash it and replace said towel before anyone noticed.

Dani fought the stab of despair to her chest as she caught her reflection in the tarnished mirror hung precariously over the sink. Her long blonde hair was riddled with split ends and hung, dull and limp, around her waist. Her, larger than most, blue eyes stared blankly back at her; looking as dead as she felt. But it was as she took in her malnourished figure that she felt the mixture of shame and rage build up inside her, scars littered the delicate porcelain skin of her thighs, stomach and back. Each told a story, some self-inflicted, most the work of Ryan and his twisted mind. She squeezed her eyes shut as tears threatened to burst free from between her dark lashes.

"Dani your áss better be out of bed," Dani immediately recognised the malicious voice as that of Ryan.

Unbeknownst to him she had already been up for two hours previously but he wouldn't give a damn, his sadistic mind didn't need an excuse to hurt her but he always made one up as to reinforce the sense that it was her fault he hurt her.

"DANIELLA ARE YOU FÜCKING LISTENING TO ME GET YOUR ÁSS OUT OF BED!" Ryan's voice became enraged as Dani caught the sound of the ladder leading up to her small attic room creak under his weight.

Shît! Her thoughts became, panicked as she remembered her state of undress. A sickening shudder slithered down her spine as she thought about what he would do to her if he caught her like this.

She pulled a shirt from her closet, due to her extremely small stature and all her clothes being hand-me-downs, the shirt fell to her knees.

"How can I help you?" She asked, unable to stop a trace of bitterness from seeping into her words as she regarded Ryan's intimidating form that made the small area she called hers even more suffocating. Ryan wasn't an unattractive man by any means, he had thick light brown hair and sculpted features but Dani knew the monster that lay behind his handsome exterior there was also the fact that at 37 he was more than twice her age. People said his mate died in his arms just after losing their child, the madness lurking behind his eyes could certainly attest to that but Dani couldn't bring herself to feel pity towards her tormentor for she had experienced the sadistic depths of his mind more than a few times.

His eyes darkened slightly as he surveyed her. "Don't use that tone with me! If I'm not mistaken sweetheart, it's someone's special day today. Happy 18th Danielle my what a beautiful woman you have grown into," his eyes skimmed down her body, lust burned clearly within his eyes. Dani felt her breath catch in her throat, she had never considered herself attractive, never considered she may be the object of a man's desire. The thought made disgust ricochet through her body, her virtue, it was the only thing she considered untainted about herself. Her mind and body may be broken but she clung to her innocence. But not for much longer she thought, as now she could find her mate. It would be a lie to say she hadn't considered the idea of her mate waltzing into her life and sweeping her off her feet, taking away from all her pain. A mate was her only chance, her only chance at having someone to love and care for her.

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