My Love's Like A Star (Harry Styles)

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The space between us

Starts to feel like the world's apart

Like I'm going crazy

And you say it's raining in your heart

You're telling me nobody's there

To dry up the flood

Oh but that's just crazy

Cause baby I told ya, I'm here for good

Mine and Parris's relationship was more like a roller coaster. One minute we're fighting on the verge to break up, then the next we're madly in love clinging to each other. I suppose it's because how hectic my schedule is, and we're not always able to be near each other. There's this big gigantic space between us and I swear that when we're apart, the whole world is apart. She tells me that when we're apart, her heart gets a cold and it starts raining. I don't really know what that's supposed to mean, but I know she really misses me.

Since I was leaving for tour soon, I had invited Pariss over for for dinner and to help me pack. I wanted some bonding time with her. She was sitting at the kitchen counter, a sad look in her face.

"How can you love me when you're always gone? I don't know how it's possible, Harry. Don't you think our love will die soon?" she whispered.

"Oh my God!" I yelled in frustration. "We go through this every time I get ready to go on tour. Pariss, I love you. Okay. Our love won't fade away." I watched her as she slowly sighed. Being around her made me so happy, I loved her so much, that there were even days I couldn't stand being on tour because she wasn't around me.

"It's hard, Harry. It's like I cry an cry and cry and there's nobody there to dry up the flood around me."

"Babe, that's just crazy," I whispered in her ear. "I don't know how many times I've told ya, I'm here for good."

"I hope you're right, Harry."

"Let's get some food in you, love." I led her outside where I had set up a late night picnic for her. She gasped.

"Thanks so much!" She sat down and looked around. "Did you seriously make all of my favorite foods?"

"You bet I did! I'm leaving tomorrow, I'd like to at least have a good dinner with the girl I love and then finish all my packing."

We headed up stairs and started my packing. When she finished, she looked like she wanted to cry.

"Ugh! I'm going to miss you so much!"

I walked to her and held her tight. "Don't cry babe." She sniffled and held me tighter.

My love's like a star, yeah

You can't always see me

But you know that I'm always there

When you see one shining

Take it as mine

And remember I'm always near

If you see a comet

Baby I'm on it making my way back home

Just follow the glow, yeah

It won't be long

Just know that you're not alone

"I'll call you as much as I can," I said to Pariss as the tour bus rolled on front of my house.

"I hate not being able to be near you, and be able to feel your love," she sniffled as she held me close. I took a hold of her hands and looked her deeply on the eyes.

"My loves like a star, you can't always see me but know that I'm always there."

"Harry!" Louis yelled. "We have to go. Hey Pariss!"

"Hey Louis!" Paris's yelled as she pulled away from me. "Take care of Harry, make sure he doesn't bring any girls home!" She winked at me and walked to her car. "You say your love is like a star, when I see one shining I'll take it as yours and know that you're always near." Then she disappeared into her cat and I disappeared onto the tour bus.

The next couple of days were hell. Every time I called Pariss, we only got to talk for a couple minutes before one of us had to go. And I hated that. There was one day though, where I talked to her longer than a couple minutes. That day, was today.

I called her at 3pm. "Harry!" she yelled into the phone. "How are you? I miss you!"

"Hey babe. I'm fine, I miss you too."

"I feel like our love's falling apart," she suddenly said after our long silence.

"I'm a comet, Pariss. When you see one, baby I'm on it making my way back home. Just follow the glow, okay? It won't be long. Just know the you're not alone." We talked a lite more. She told me she aced her math test, made a new friend named Kelly. They met at school. Kelly took her to amazing shopping stores. I told her how it was like down under. Inner a koala. Went swimming. Met some dedicated fans and sold out our Melbourne concert. We ended up talking for two hours before she had to go.

"Remember, my love is like a star," I said before we hung up.

I tried to build the walls

To keep you safe when I'm not around

But as soon as in away from you

You say that they come tumbling down

But it's not about the the time

That we don't get to spend together

It's about how strong our love is

When I'm one, and it feels like forever

I built up so many walls in my relationship with Pariss, just to keep her safe when I'm not around. But a soon as I'm away from her, those walls come tumbling down. From both sides. Mine, and hers.

I was pacing back and forth in our hotel room. I was hating how I couldn't be near Pariss anymore.

"Calm down, Harry," Niall said. "You'll see her soon."

"I feel like its been years since I've seen her," I mumbled as I ran my hands through my hair. "I really miss her." I sat on my bed and plopped my hands in my head. I groaned and I just wanted to cry.

"Why do you look so sad?" Pariss asked.

I looked up slowly and saw her standing in front of me.

"How... How .. What? Are you really here or is this a dream..."

"It's no dream, mate," Louis said as he popped in the room. "We flew her out here!"

She ran over to me and tackled me on the bed. "I missed you soooooooooo much Harry!"

"I missed you too, baby!" I kissed her hard and the guys all acted like they were disgusted.

"We'll just see you guys later," all the guys said as they ran out of the room.

"You know what I realized?" I asked as she faced me.


"It's not really about the time that we don't get to spend together. It's about how strong our love is. When I'm gone, and it feels like forever."

"That's because your love,

"is like a star," we both said at the same time.

And I kissed her again.

"I love you, Pariss," I whispered again as I pulled away.

"I love you to, Harry. But shut up and kiss me!"

And I did just that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2012 ⏰

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