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"Please, I am resigning" Harry bit his bottom lip

"What?" Louis whispered angrily. Setting down his camera in a loud thud.

"I am resigning. I can't take this anymore. I am leaving your office" Harry answered grabbing his stuffs and trying to keep all of them on his hands. Louis huffed and rolled his eyes, slamming the pen on the table with a loud noise making Harry startle and look at Louis.

"Do me a favor. Please, get out of my life" Harry dropped his stuffs on the floor by accident. He can't believe Louis is saying that to him. He feels his blood draining and his strength all going away. In just those ten words in one sentence, it made Harry die inside.

"Louis..Lou I am only resigning for the business--" He was cut by Louis' small and high yet intimidating voice.

"You don't have to say it. Get out of my life. And don't ever come back" Louis said in a straight face and Harry's breath knocked off.

"Y-you can't! Louis you can't say that!" Harry wants to walk towards Louis but it feels like his feet were fastened on the floor and his whole body is painfully numb.

"Yes I can Harry. I am tired of babying you! I am tired of being by your side always like a damn kid! You are already an adult and you can't act like one! I am dumping you..We are done" Louis said the last three words in a very painful whisper.

Harry tried to hold back his tears but it seems like his eyes have diferrent plans. Louis stood up and Harry finally learned how to walk again. He went straight to Louis and wrapped his arms on Louis' waist, eyes blurring from tears, mind fogging, and heart aching. Yet still, he held Louis tight in his arms.

"Y-you can't...You w-won't" Harry said more like to himself. Louis looked at his eyes, showing lots of emotions but Harry barely read any of them. His mind won't function well enough.

"Watch me" Louis unlatched Harry's arms from his waist and walked past the curly lad, bumping his shoulder. It hurts him seeing Harry cry but he cant take the pressure from the nearing bankruptcy and from Harry's attitude. Seems like every day that passes, Harry's becoming so immature to the point where he wants to resign because there is so much to do at the office. He works at one of the used to be the busiest photography company in the whole London. Back then, people used to come at their office for photographs and all but then one time, everything changed. As far as Louis can remember, clients became demanding, the rate of demand in photoshoot decreased, and they slowly got into financial problems. And Louis can't handle all of that. Considering he is the only person doing the living for his four sisters.

Harry watched as he was told. He watched the door opened and then closes. He watched as the love of his life finally gave up on him. He watched as Louis walked out of the office and at his life like he don't matter at all.

While sitting at the waiting area in the airport, I stared at my Starbucks coffee as the memories came flooding back like usual. It has been 5 years and I still hadn't moved on. 5 freaking years since I went to New York to have and start a new life and now I am coming back to Holmes Chapel, one of the very close town to Louis' hometown. I still think that its impossible for him to still be there. He worked his arse off at that job and and he's probably at Amsterdam now - a place where he always wanted to live since he was a kid.

I was stopped in my thoughts as I heard a familiar voice. "Harry! Harry baby!" There she is. Standing at the crowd. Hands clutched on the sign that has my name written on it. I smiled as I walk towards her.

"Mum!" I hugged her tightly and kissed her head. It has been five years since I last saw her and she still haven't changed a single thing. Her eyes still glows and her smile is still irresistible. I kissed her head again and we walked to her car.

"How are you? I missed you so much" She closed the car door then grabbed my hand and kissed it. I smiled and kissed her head in return.

"I missed you too, both you and Gemma. How is work doing for you? Hope being a doctor doesn't stress you that much" My mum works at the Boulevard Hospital, one of the busiest hospitals in our town. I may be proud to say that my mum is one of the most skilled and finesse doctors, but I just don't want her to stress too much. Health comes first before wealth. Always.

"Work is fine, dear. Stressing, yes sometimes. But it comes with the job. As long as I get to help our people, I am happy" She said and I smiled. Always a very wonderful woman. Putting the needs of others before hers.

"I am glad that you're happy. Though you have Gemma to help you with stuffs. By the way, where is she?" I asked as soon as I noticed my sister's presence is indeed, not here.

"Gemma is at home, already preparing a meal for us" Mum said as she started the car. I smiled and suddenly forgetting the reasons why I don't want to come back. Because seeing your mother happy is enough to keep you doing something even is there's something holding you back.

"She really became a good chef huh? I remembered when she tried to make a meal for us. She nearly burned down our house!" I said and mum laughed

"I do remember honey. She has improvements though. Speaking of improvements, did I just lost a few centimeters of height, or you're really just a tall man?" I laughed and she messed my hair a little bit.

"Yes mum, I may grew a few inches. I can barely sit in here" I laughed as I try to adjust myself 'cause my knee keeps hitting the dashboard.

"But you're still my little baby. Like a baby giraffe" She laughed. I felt myself stilled as another flashback kick in again.

"You really are tall! People are like talking to you with their heads up high. Its kinda funny sometimes" Louis looked down at me since my head was resting at his chest. I pulled away a little and tried to make a very offended face.

"Are you saying that I'm a funny giant?" I pouted and he laughed.

"No dear. What I'm saying is, you're a giraffe. My cute and pretty, little giraffe" He kissed my head and I snuggled closer to him. I smiled, contentment filling me.

"I love you Louis" I whispered

"I love you more my baby giraffe" He kissed my lips and we lie there, bodies tangled and hearts beating at the same time.

"Honey are you alright? Why are you crying?" I was faced by my mum, looking at me with a tissue on her hands. I touched my cheeks and I felt a little water from it. I bit my lip and faked a smile.

"I'm alright mum. Just knackered s'all" I sighed and she smiled.

"I can see from the bags under your eyes. You should take a nap while I drive. I'll be fine. When you wake up, we will be home with Gem" she said and I turned around so I'm facing the window.

Every single thing. Every trees we pass by, every houses I see, every millisecond that ticks, Louis is on my mind. Sometimes I want to overdose myself and just fall into a deep coma, thinking and hoping Louis will finally leave my mind. But I know deep inside that it will never happen.

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