Chapter One [Renewed]

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2018 Edit: This was my first story and Fanfiction on Wattpad so... don't judge me to much. Haha.

2023 Edit: I did not think I would be here again, enjoy the rewrite. Per usual let me know if there is any mistakes.


"Thank you for allowing me to stay, despite the short notice." Yusuke said as he followed Akira to the bedroom.

Akira only nodded in response; he had always kept his chatter to a minimum. Yusuke didn't mind this in the sense that it gave Akira a calming aura.

"Akira, where should I rest for tonight?" Yusuke tilts his head as he realizes the red sofa from before isn't in the room anymore.

"You can have my bed." Akira said this with a smooth, calm tone. "I can sleep on the floor; I don't really mind it." Akira added.

"The floor? Are you sure?" Yusuke felt a bit shocked when Akira offered to sleep on the floor like it was nothing. "Your bed is small, but wouldn't it just be better to share for one night? I can buy a futon in the morning." Yusuke offered, feeling a bit bad as Akira seemed so eager to let him have the bed.

"The floor does not bother me." Akira said it once again in a no-big-deal tone.

Yusuke stood still; he was thinking of something to say, trying to change Akira's mind. "No, you would only get sick if you laid on the cold floor. I insist we share for tonight!"

Akira seemed a bit taken aback. Yusuke wasn't angry or yelling, but he was defiantly passionate, like always. As Akira was finding the words to speak, Morgana's head rose up before he spoke.

"Would you two just go to sleep?" He said this before curling up again.

Akira and Yusuke looked at each other, at a loss for words, as they just decided to do what Yusuke suggested. "It'll be alright for a day; don't worry." Yusuke quietly spoke before sitting at the foot of the bed. Akira gets into the bed before moving over as far as he can, and Yusuke also lays on the bed at the other end, allowing them to have more room. It was a bit annoying to have their feet only inches from each other's heads, but it wasn't a big deal.

Throughout the night, it was a battle when it came to covering Yusuke's whole body versus Akira covering his; they shared a quilt that was not long enough for the both of them. Yusuke had a few centimeters in height on Akira; he was unlucky when it came to covering his feet with the quilt, though he learned to curl up without falling off the edge before falling into a restless sleep.


When morning came, Akira woke up, noticing how Yusuke had the entire quilt to himself. It was cold that morning, but he wasn't going to rip it off him.

Akira sits up before adjusting his messy hair. "Yusuke? Hey?" Akira tried to wake him up, as he could hear Sojiro opening up shop before entering the room.

Sojiro leans on the door frame; he was quite surprised. "Swinging for the other team now?" Sojiro teased with a playful smile, not meaning anything seriously, of course.

"No, not at all." Akira shook his head, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Sojiro would chuckle a bit before he spoke again in a teasing tone. "How unfortunate; I was going to mention how adorable you guys were!" He teased again, picking fun out of the situation before leaving. Akira could hear him laughing at his own joke as he left.

As if on cue, Yusuke's eyes opened as he rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes, and he smiled as if he were still half asleep. "Good morning." He said, noticing he had stollen the quilt. "Ah. I'm sorry, were you cold all night?" He said it with a worried expression.

Akira shook his head in response, but before Yusuke could get another word in, Morgana let out a yawn and stretched himself before standing. "Akira! School!" Morgana nearly hissed, noticing how little time was left, though Akira didn't show an ounce of panic.

"Yusuke, you can stay here if you don't have anywhere else to be." Akira stood from the bed and started to get dressed in his uniform. Yusuke looked away in an attempt to give him privacy.

"Thanks for the offer." Yusuke said he was caught off guard a bit by the sudden clothing change.

After Akira was ready in only a few minutes, Yusuke decided to walk with him to the school entrance, soon returning to Sojiro's coffee shop.
To pass some time, Sojiro and Yusuke find themselves chatting along about coffee and other things, and soon it comes to the topic of Akira.

"The relationship you two share—I don't think I've personally seen that kid so much as touch another person, not to mention share a bed." Sojiro jokes as he dries some clean coffee cups.

"How so? I don't find it odd at all. We have lots of fun; he's quite amusing, and time seems to fly by when we are doing our activities. If you get what I am saying?" Yusuke spoke passionately with a smile.

"Yeah, I mean, I used to be young too, so I understand. Do you guys always have fun, or is this a new trend?" Sojiro tried to make conversation, but he felt a bit awkward as he thought they were speaking about a personal topic.

Yusuke nods happily. "Since we met, actually! There was even this one time where we were up all night; it was very tiring." Sojio's face lit up a bit at Yusuke's words. Yusuke couldn't help but wonder what was so odd about their behavior, but it was somewhat understandable since Akira didn't seem to be the type to stay up all night drawing and eating snacks.

"Damn, be careful; from some personal experience, it can cause some drama!" Sojiro tried a joke.

Yusuke tilted his head, feeling more confused by the situation. "Our friends are content with it; no drama will unfold from me and Akira indulging in our own private activities." He assured Sojiro.

"I see," Sojiro replied with a nod. Soon the topic was discussed, but Yusuke didn't dwell on it much as they started discussing other things. Yusuke even helped a bit with the shop.


It wasn't very long before Akira returned from school. "Welcome home!" Yusuke spoke with a cheerful tone, and Akira nodded in reply.

Sojiro looks at Akira as he makes himself into the shop; he averts his gaze and begins to clean off the counters. Akira found this very odd: "Are you sick?" Akira asked.

"...Me? No, not at all. I just learned some new things today, no biggie." Sojiro continued to clean. "If you ask me, it just sounds like you guys need to make things official; it's not good for the heart to keep going how things are, ya' know?" Sojiro tries to joke.

At this, Yusuke nearly spit out the tea he was enjoying, and Akira turned to look at them both, confused. "Official? No, no...! Did you misunderstand me?" Yusuke's words were coming out faster than his brain could handle.

Sojiro stops for a second and apologizes. "Forgive me; I shouldn't be so nosy." He said it with an awkward chuckle, but before anyone could say anything, Akira shakes his head as he lets out a sigh, and he grabs Yusuke's arm as he nearly drags him out of the shop.

"Let's get you a futon." Akira said as they made their way to the train, heading for Shibuya.


They both spent nearly an hour looking for a futon to buy, but they couldn't find a shop that had them and wasn't getting a restock for a few days. Akira suggested they just get another quilt and share the bed instead of Yusuke spending his money.
They soon return to the coffee shop, where it is now late and dark as they get ready for bed again.

This time, to avoid anyone getting kicked, they slept on the same end; gladly, Yusuke had his own quilt to sleep with, so he was fully covered and comfortable. They were used to this by now, so it didn't bother one another when they became close, as falling onto the floor didn't seem so fun.

Somewhere along the night, they were arranged so that Yusuke's head was just above Akira's. Yusuke's head was nearly resting on the tip of his head as they slept; this was the only way they could both really fit and feel comfortable. Yusuke would wake up occasionally, noticing this position. He was glad Morgana was away with Sojiro, probably being spoiled with treats. He didn't want anyone to see him in such a humiliating position.

Updated: May 2023, keep in mind that other chapters might not be updated and the chapters that arent renewed may not make sense with what has been fixed. Thank you for the vote and reads! I loved coming back to see all the comments I missed since 2017! - Ky <3

Persona 5 - My Panting For You [Renewed!]Where stories live. Discover now