Jack Meets the Sun

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Jack talked to the first person who saw him for probably hours, but he decided to call it a night and leave.

Jack thought Elsa was incredible, he was able to see amazing things that she could do, and he knew in his heart that he was having huge feelings for her.

Jack was about to fly away, until he saw the stone tower with a bright light shining through the window key. He remembered that Manny also lead him to that tower, he felt deep inside that he wanted to meet her, he still heard her sinning, he couldn't believe how beautiful her voice was.

He flew to the tower as fast as he could.

He saw a young, beautiful girl, about his age, singing to (it looked like her mother),while her mother brushed her long, long hair. Jack was surprised by how long her hair was, and that is was actually GLOWING!

When she was done singing, her hair stopped glowing, Jack watched her talk to her mother through the window and could hear everything they were saying,"Hey mother, as I was saying was that in two days and it's my birthday, and I'm turning 18. And what I really want for this birthday is...... I want to see the flouting lights!" Her mother stood up quickly from her chair and looked at her daughter in shock,"What?!" The girl stood up and walked over to a wall that was covered by a curtain, she opened the curtain to a painting of bright lights floating up into the sky."Mother, I was hopping that maybe you could take me to see the floating lights," her mother looked at the painting and said,"Oh, you mean the stars." She looked at her mother still trying to talk her into taking her,"Thats the thing," she opened a door on the ceiling that made the room brighter on her other paintings on the wall."I charted stars and their always constant, but these, they appear every year on my birthday mother, only on my birthday.

Basically, I just need to see them mother, I have to know what they are." While she was talking her mother went and opened the window, I guess to bring in fresh air or something,"We are done talking about this!" her mother said raising her voice,"Please mother I really want to see them," she said with a smile still on her face, how sweet she was,"ENOUGH WITH THE LIGHTS! YOU ARE NOT LEAVING THIS TOWER EVER!" Her mother yelled at the top of her lungs, the girls smile then turned into a frown.

Jack flew into her tower through the open window to get a better look at what was happening, while he flew in, he watched the girl, she moved her head while he moved, it almost seemed like she was watching him. Her mother looked up and watched her move her head,"What are you looking at, you know what I don't even want to see you wright now, go to your room and go to bed!" She looked at her mom, and headed for the stairs with her head down and a frown on her face, with her eyes full of tears.

"Poor girl, I can't believe how mean her mom is to her," said Jack. Jack decided to fly up to her room and see if she was ok.

He got to her window from the outside of the tower and he watched her sit on her bed looking at the floor. He noticed that the window was opened, he wanted to see if she could see him. He opened the window and tiptoed into her bedroom, she looked up as if she heard him coming, he was shocked but still spoke,"Can you hear me?" He asked, her eyes popped, she was in shock to see a boy in her room,"Can, can you, can you see me?" Jack asked, she covered her mouth and nodded her head in a yes motion.

Jack was so surprised that he didn't have to do anything, and she believed in him no matter what,"You see me, she really sees me!" She stood up slowly and asked him in fear and also excitement,"Who are you?" "My name is Jack Frost," and Jack began telling her that he is immortal and everything about him. When he was finished he asked her,"What is your name?" "My name is Rapunzel."

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