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I wake up a few hours later and groan since I can't fall nor stay asleep to save my life and it makes me mad as I love sleeping. I get up and turn my lamp on and grab my keyboard and quietly play some songs I've memorized. I hear a knock on my door and I get up to see who it is and smile softly when I see who it is.
"I'm so sorry did I wake you?" I quickly whisper since it's like 3 in the morning
Devin smiles brightly and says
"no you didn't I've been up" "why are you up?" He adds
I welcome him into my room and see his whole body now and he's only in sweatpants that are hanging low on his waist and he has no shirt on. I check him out and blush since I've liked him for awhile now but quickly advert my eyes elsewhere when he sits in my bed and starts playing my keyboard.
"I woke up sadly" I pout
"That sucks I'm sorry" he says giving me a sympathetic look
"It's okay, I'm used to it" I wave his apology off since he doesn't need to apologize for what my body does to me. I sit down on my bed and admire him as he plays the piano. How his beautiful green eyes which sometimes are blue glow in the dim light of my best side lap and how his face looks when he is concentrating on playing the song he's playing. Also just how passionate he is with music I just love his love for music, and how dedicated he is to his fans, they're so lucky as he loves them so much I just wished he loved me like tha- wait why am I thinking this I really need sleep.
He looks over at me and smiles
"You look exhausted come here" he says opening his arms out
I roll my eyes and put my piano back where it should go and turn off my lamp then go onto the bed and lay in his arms. He lays us down and drapes his arm around my waist. I get comfortable in his arms and sigh of happiness being in his arms is pure happiness it's like heaven kinda?? It just feels like I belong here. He starts humming and running his fingers through my hair and I slowly start to fall asleep and I hear Devin say something but I was too sleepy to hear what he exactly said and that night I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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