Chapter 1: After The War

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2nd May 1998

Harry's P.O.V:

I walked into the Great Hall and suddenly was embraced into the biggest hug, I then smelled the familiar scent of flowers and I knew who it was immediately, the greatest bravest and strongest person I have ever met Ginny Weasley, I was shocked at the sudden affection but I then wrapped my skinny arms around her small figure.

When she released me I saw she had tear tracks down her face and more of them forming in her eyes she looked me in the eyes and I started getting lost in her hazel brown pools, she knocked me out my daze and said,

"Oh Harry you did it you defeated him, your parents would be so proud of you." She said I smiled at her and said,

"I just wish them and Sirius could see me now." I suddenly realised something "Ginny what about the amount of people we lost Remus and Tonks what about Teddy?" I started stressing about Teddy and how he was going to be like me

"Harry don't worry about that we'll deal with that when it comes." I smiled at her I could tell something was on her mind then I connected the dots, it was because of Fred I felt sorry for her but mostly I felt sorry for George he had lost his other half he had lost his twin brother. Ginny looked at me and said "Harry can we talk about us, not here somewhere private." I nodded and we made our way around looking for an empty classroom.

We came across an empty Transfiguration classroom and we went in before Ginny could start I put a silencing charm on the room, I then turned around to see Ginny staring at me, I looked at her, walked to her and smashed my lips onto her's, I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders and I just stood there with the person I loved the most in my arms. We broke apart for air but our for heads were still touching I looked into her hazel eyes and said,

"Ginny I never wanted to break up with you, everyday when I was searching for Horcroxes I thought of you I felt as though my world had crumbled without you, every night when Ron had his radio on though it annoyed me I still listened just to know that you were okay and that you weren't hurt or missing, so if you would give me another chance I promise you I will never break your heart or leave you again." I said letting everything that I felt out, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders she looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said,

"I was waiting for you to say that." And kissed me full on the lips I felt as if I hole in my heart had been filled and I couldn't ask for anyone better to fill it.

We broke apart and we walked hand in hand back down to the Great Hall.

When we got back to the hall we walked over to all the Weasleys, Mrs Weasley then came over and gave me her famous bone crushing hugs, when she released me she said,

"Oh Harry dear how are you?" She had concern plastered all over her face

"I'm fine Mrs Weasley." I said giving her a reassuring smile

"How many times must I tell you to call me Molly." She said scolding me

"Sorry Mrs- Molly." I said she smiled at me and walked off to her husband.

I went and sat down next to Ginny, she seemed to be deep in thought, she put her head on my shoulder. I spaced out thinking of everyone who died for me,

Mad eye
My parents

All these people died to protect me I felt so guilty, now thanks to me the Mr and Mrs Weasley have lost a son, now thanks to me Ginny, Ron, Percy, Charlie and Bill have lost a brother, now thanks to me George lost his twin, now thanks to me Teddy is now an orphan. I was brought out of my thoughts by Ginny kissing my cheek,

"Harry are you okay?" She asked concern plastered all over her face

"I'm just thinking about all the people who died because of me, you and your family lost Fred, George lost his other half and what upsets me the most is my own godson is now an orphan because of me, if only I could've-" Ginny cut me off

"Harry don't you dare think Remus, Tonks or Fred's death was your fault, they knew what they were getting themselves into and even though they're gone they're still with us." She said lifting my head and cupping it with her hands, I smiled thinking how could I get someone so kind, brave and selfless like her, she kissed my lips softly and said "Come on we're all going to Gryffindor common room." She said, grabbed my hand and we walked hands intwined all the way upstairs. We split up to go to separate dorms and I fell asleep still thinking of all the lives we lost.

No One's P.O.V:

But what Harry didn't know was that lying in the room of the fallen Fred Weasley, the people who died in the battle and many killed by the hands of Voldemort and his followers before that were opening their eyes.



Hey guys

Chapter 1 of my new Harry Potter fanfic is out

I hope you enjoyed reading it

I had a lot of fun making it

Chapter 2 will be out soon

Peace Out

Mikayla xxx <3

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