Chapter 6: Trying To Get Back On Track

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18th May 1998

Harry's P.O.V:

I woke up this morning at about 6:30 due to explosions coming from the twins' room.

Ginny woke up beside me, looking extremely mad for being woken up,

"What are they doing up this early? And what the bloody hell is that noise?" She asked aggravated,

"I don't know, but if you want you can go punch their door in." I suggested and she got up and left towards the twins room,

"Will you shut the hell up!" She screamed and I laughed.

I grabbed my glasses from the bedside table and started getting dressed.

Ginny came back in smiling,

"What did you do?" I asked sceptically,

"I threatened them saying, if they didn't stop with the explosions I would bat bogey hex them into oblivion." She said casually and I smiled,

"You and your bat bogey hexes." I said shaking my head and she laughed.

We went downstairs, into the kitchen and saw Molly, Tonks and Teddy there. Tonks held Teddy out to me but I was scared in case I dropped him,

"Harry its okay. You're not the only one who was scared in case you dropped him, Remus was the same. To be honest he still is now and Teddy's his son." Tonks said holding Teddy out to me. I carefully took the blue haired boy into my arms. 

He stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes. He looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes. Then suddenly he changed his eye colour to my emerald green causing me to smile. 

I sat at the table with Ginny right next to me,

"He's so cute." She said as Teddy changed his hair colour to Weasley ginger,

"Yeah he looks a lot like Remus but with the characteristics of Tonks... Wait what are we meant to call you now that your a Lupin?" I asked looking at Tonks,

"Well you can do what my mum and Remus do and call me Dora, just don't call me Nymphadora!" She said threateningly but I knew it was just a little joke from when she saved me from the Dursley's in fifth year.

Everyone slowly piled into the cramped kitchen and sat down on the outstretched table. The last person in was Sirius. He walked over to me and held out his arms,

"May I?" He asked and I looked at Remus and Dora and they nodded,

"Yeah sure." I said handing the curious boy to his cousin.

Sirius smiled,

"So this is my first cousin twice removed." Sirius said looking at the blue haired boy who still had my emerald eyes,

"Yeah. At least there's family that actually like you Sirius." Dora said jokingly,

"Oh haha. Very funny Nymphadora." Sirius said and he quickly handed me Teddy knowing what was coming,

"Oh that is it Sirius!" She said getting up and chasing him out the front door to the garden,

"Who thinks we're going to hear Sirius scream in a moment?" I asked and everyone raised there hand just as we heard a high pitch scream come from the garden,

"Barely even had breakfast and Dora's already trying to kill Sirius." Remus said and we laughed.

Sirius came back in paled face with a bruised eye and grass stains on his clothes, Dora followed in shortly after with bruised hands, anger filled face and vibrant orange hair,

"I'm thinking Sirius is very scarred." Fred suggested and Sirius glared at him,

"Take Sirius' bruised eye as a warning not to call me Nymphadora." Dora threatened and sat down next to Remus.

I gave Teddy back to Dora and she smiled at me,

"So we need to talk about how we're going to get back on track." Arthur said and I looked up from my bacon, eggs and sausages,

"Well George and I are going to go back to the shop and sort that out." Fred said,

"I have to go back to Hogwarts to complete my last year." Ginny said 

"I'm going back to Hogwarts to redo my last year because I missed it." Hermione said

"Me and Ron'll go back to do our last year just so we can actually get to become aurors." I said and Ron nodded,

"Well me, Remus and Teddy are going to go back to our house and prepare for the next full moon." Dora said,

"Well me and Fleur are going to go back to Shell Cottage." Bill said

"To be fairly honest I don't know what I'm going to do I might go back to the Ministry." Percy said and we all nodded

"Well I am the new Minister so Percy you can have your job back, so I'm going back to the Ministry." Kingsley said

"Well I was retired so I'm going back into ruddy retirement." Mad Eye said making me snicker,

"Well I don't want to go back to Grimmauld Place so I'm probably going to go back to my first home in Godric's Hollow." Sirius said and I looked at him shocked,

"You lived in Godric's Hollow?" I asked 

"Yeah and that cost Athena, your godmother, who was very dear to me to lose her life." Sirius said getting misty eyed

"Well me and Arthur are obviously staying here and we know Charlie's staying in Romania." Molly said,

"Well Harry Potter said Dobby would go with him to Grimmauld Place." Dobby said shyly,

"Well we should get started on fixing everything here. After the wedding we haven't been able to rebuild so we can start with that." Molly said.

Time Skip

After a long, resourceful day of rebuilding I was lying down on my bed with Ginny snuggled into my side asleep.

I kissed her head and fell asleep thinking of my parents wishing they were here.



Hey Guys

Chapter 6 is out

I hope you enjoyed

In this fanfic before Sirius was arrested he had a lover who died to a Death Eater

Chapter 7 will be out soon

Peace Out 

Mikayla xxx <3

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