Part 1 - Let's crash a wedding!

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Who wants to crash a wedding?

Those six way too optimistic words were still on Jay's mind, when he led his four teammates across the floating islands, towards the Temple of Airjitzu.

Not too long ago, he and his group of Ninja Replacements had come more or less the same way, but this here and now was a completely different journey. Although one of them (and, in fact, the most important one to the Blue Ninja) was still missing, it was still comforting to have his real team back. And, unlike earlier, the five Masters of Spinjitzu didn't bother about the Ninja's way of travelling in shadows. No, they were just running acrros Djinnjago in plain sight. After the little incident at the shed, they didn't have to worry anymore about being spotted by the guards. Or rather, they didn't have to worry about guards anymore... The only skypirates left belonged to Nadakhan's inner crew. And those were inside the Temple with their captain and his bride.

Jay stopped and turned around to see if his brothers were still following his lead.

He had briefly updated his team on what had happened since their entrapement inside the Sword of Souls and they were all keen to get back into action.

Kai was particularly restless. Understandibly. The Red Ninja had been imprisoned the longest, he could hardly pace himself to not run ahead without knowing the way. Jay had seen the wounded pride showing in the Master of Fire's eyes, when Kai had realised that he had been the first one to fall for the evil Djinn's tricks, whereas Jay had still managed to evade the same fate. And, on top of it, his little sister had been kidnapped again.

Who wants to crash a wedding? He had asked and the others had answered.

For some reason, Jay's teammates had all silently agreed to follow his lead. Sure, he was more familiar with the whole situation and the location, but that still didn't change anything about the fact that he was not great at this job. No, honestly, Jay really sucked at leading the team. But suddenly, everyone seemed happy to forget the disaster he had caused in Stiix, not too long ago.

Jay himself just wanted his best friend to take over, both the heavy weapon he was carrying and the responsibility. Only, the Black Ninja didn't.

Jay knew that this was Cole's way of apologising to him.

Before Nadakhan had captured Jay on Tiger Widow Island, the two friends had argued, even though they had promised each other at Master Chen's Tournament never to fight each other again. Well, simply put, Jay had been an idiot and Cole had been a jerk. And now Cole wanted to prove to his best friend how much he trusted and respected him. The Black Ninja always preferred actions over words.

If only Jay wasn't so incredibly tired, then maybe he would be able to appeciate it.

Who wants to crash a wedding? Jay had tried his best to sound optimistic.

After all, he had to convince his friends that they would be able to stop Nadakhan from marrying Nya and thereby obtaining infinite wishes. But secretly, Jay had serious doubts about the success of their mission himself.

The power of his signature positive thinking had helped the young man get through the events of the past few days, but it was slowly crumbling now.

He had always thought that he would only need to be with his friends – his family - again, then everything would just fall into place and be alright.

Only just, it wasn't. First of all, Nya was still missing. And secondly, all of them had made mistakes; even the famous Green Ninja had managed to get himself captured. Sure, Jay had baldly screwed up as well, probably even worse than the others, but he hadn't given up. He, the carefree Blue Ninja, the comic relief of the team, always the first one to lose it, and the first one who had been approached by Nadakhan. Even the Djinn must have considered him the easiest target. But Jay had proven him wrong.

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