

I smirked as I walked down the halls towards Glee Club. You see, I needed a change, I was way too up my ass. I had help from Kurt and Mercedes. I literally threw out all of my old clothes and replaced them. I love my new look. "Rachel?! What are you wearing?"Finn asked standing next to Puck. I faced him. "I need a change, I was too uptight and a ass. So yeah." I said continuing on to Glee.

-In Glee-

I walked in class and it went dead quiet. "You know I'm getting tired of all the stares. I just came to school. The hell you lookin at?" I asked. I sat in my seat and Mr.Shue started class. "Rachel, you are the perfect example for this weeks assignment. You. Who are you, what do you stand for? Find a song that matches you and sing it for the class by the end of the week." Mr.Shue said. I already know the perfect one...


I have no clue whats going on with Rachel but I'm really confused.

Okay So I Am Going To Have Some Chapters Long And Some Short!

Rachel and Finn(Finnchel)Where stories live. Discover now