Another Delightful Surprise! End!

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Hi there! BIG TIME! Hahahaha! You probably dont know the song, but im listening to Big Time by Peter Gabriel >w< Hahaha I love that soooong~◆◆◆ anyway, I decided to make one last chappy for you guys ;3 I hope you enjoy it.

◆Normal P.O.V◆

"Wow, Levy-chan! Your bump is so big." Lucy giggled.

"Yeah, but it's a pain because then I can't wear some outfits, especially my favorites...." Levy said.

"Well that's what happens with pregnancy."

"Yeah, but then you get everyone at the guild talking to my 'bump' like idiots." Levy sweatdropped.

Levy had just entered the guild when Lucy rushed over to her. About a few months ago Levy had found out that she was pregnant. When the guild found out everyone started pampering her like crazy. Levy appreciated the kindness but would prefer them to treat her how they normally would.

"They're just happy for you." Lucy said.

"I know's too much."

"Yeah but isn't it better than when you first found out about your pregnancy? You were panicking so much about it."

"Yeah, I guess it is...." Levy sweat dropped at the thought of how she acted.


"What!?" Lucy gasped at the news that the bluenette had delivered to her.

"Your pregnant-" She was interrupted by Levys hand covering her mouth.

"Shh! Not so loud!"

"Oh...right, sorry. But....does Gajeel know?"

Levy shook her head. "No, I haven't told him. I....don't know if he will be happy or not..."

"Levy! Tell him!" Lucy said as she jumped up from her seat and slamed her hands on the table.

"I....what if he doesn't want a baby? What would I do?"

"If he truly does love you, he won't be upset."

Levy decided to calm down and listen to Lucy. But even after that talk she was still very anxious, so she would get to scared to tell her hubby.

"...Shrimp? Are you listening?" Snapping Levy out of her thoughts, she jerked her head up so she was looking at Gajeel who was trying to talk to her.

"Ah, sorry. What were you saying?"

"Tch, what I was saying was, why are you acting so strange?"

"St-strange? I'm not acting strange."

"Then why are you fidgeting?"

"I'm not-"

"Tch, just forget I said anythin'."

After that Levy got even more nervous. But in the end she just mustered enough courage to be able to spill the news to her husband.

Surprisingly, Gajeel was thrilled by the news and told everyone in the guild. The guild all celebrated the wonderful news of another member to their family (the guild).

★~End of flashback~★

"Hahaha, you were so nervous!" Lucy giggled.

"It's not funny!" Levy pouted.



"Luce!" "Lushee!"

"Ah, I better go now, see ya Levy-chan!"

♥~Ten years later~♥

"Mama! Papa! Come on already! I'll be late!" A ten year old girl with long black curly hair complained as she hopped on to her mother and fathers bed, jumping up and down on it to wake them from their slumber.

". . Nnn . . . Nina, you still have another hour before school." Levy mumbled sleepily before rolling to her side.

"But mama! The bus for my trip leaves in ten minutes! I told you that it'd start earlier today!"

"Eh? Oh alright." Levy said sleepily, getting up from bed and walked to the kitchen to prepare a quick breakfast and grabbed Nina's lunch for her.

Nina skipped out of the front door, her long wavy black hair swaying in the breeze. She quickly gave Levy a hug and a sweet peck on the cheek before hopping on the bus for her trip.

"Time sure flies . . ." Levy sighed as she waved to her daughter.

She walked back inside and into her bedroom, gently nudging her husband to wake up. He groaned before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to his chest. Levy blushed slightly, and tried to escape from his grasp.

Unfortunately that wasn't out very well for her since he just hugged her even tighter. "G-Gajeel, it's time to wake up," she stammered. He chuckled. "I know," he grinned revealing his red eyes, showing he was already awake.

"Gajeeeeeeel!" Levy flailed. Even after ten years they still had moments like this.

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