How The Queen met Dracula

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11th July 1506

Five-years-old Anne Boleyn was playing in the gardens of Hever castle. It was a night for a few hours already but little Anne sneaked out to play. The little girl was running around in the grass chasing the night butterflies.

Count Dracula was visiting England to meet with King Henry the 7th. But before meeting with a king tomorrow night, he had to feed himself. An old vampire was very hungry. And he has a whole night to find a little bite. He didn't want to go to the city, do he just wandered around and was more than happy to find a manor. He was about to enter and find his food but changed his mind when he saw little girl coming out. He stayed hidden in the bushies waiting for his chance. She would be such an easy victim. He was silently walking behind her. Little girl was jumping around and catching night butterflies. He was following her every step, waiting for a perfect opportunity. But suddenly little girl turned and he had no time or place to hide. Not that it mattered, he will kill her.

Little girl carefully looked at the tall man dressed in black. "Hello." She said and gave him a bow.

Now Dracula saw her face clearly. She had beautiful pale face and neck with brown hair and eyes. She was special somehow, yet Dracula didn't know why. "Hello, little girl." He said and smiled, showing his white fangs, but she didn't seem to notice. "What's your name?" He asked her.

"I'm Anne Boleyn, sir." She answered him. "And who are you?"

"You can address me simply as Lord Dracula." He liked his victims to know his name, it gave him some kind of a dark pleasure.

"Your voice is funny, Lord Dracula." She said, meaning his East-European accent by that.

"That is because I'm not from England." He now really didn't have the nerves to talk to her anymore. He knelt down on the ground and put his strong hands on her shoulders. He sensed that she tried to move but after all every victim did.

His sharp fangs were about to enter her neck and kill her, but Dracula stopped himself and looked into her eyes again. They were so dark and deep, with no fear in the at all. "Sir, are you alright?"

"I...."  Dracula mumbled. What was so special about this little girl? He killed hundreds like her, why not this time? "Do you know what I am?"

"Yes." Anne answered. "You are a vampire. My Papa and Mama sometimes scare me with stories about vampires so I wouldn't sneak out."

Vlad was honestly surprised by little girl's knowledge and smirked at her, showing his fangs more. "Are you scared?"

"No. Can you please let me go now? I must catch butterflies." She asked and removed his hands from her shoulders. "Thank you, Lord Dracula. Have a good night." Anne said and turned away from him who was still kneeling on the ground. He was shocked. What in the name of him just happened!? He let her go and told her his name. What was wrong with him?



19th December 1517

Count Dracula was at The French Court. He met with The King Francis few hours ago. Since then he was just walking around before he saw some very unlucky maid who accidentally cut her hand. Of course that he immediately smelled blood. He took her to someone's empty bedroom and killed her by sucking her blood. Just when he was finished, the door opened. Which means that he was caught, which means that he has to kill another person. When he turned to see his next victim, he was surprised when he realized who that  was - Lady Anne Boleyn.


Anne Boleyn, wife of Count DraculaWhere stories live. Discover now