Chapter 3

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Not thinking about that green-haired guy, I made my way through the Dormitory Halls, on my way to my room. Someone ran around the corner I was turning, and, suprisingly, we both stopped before we ran into each other. It was Rin. "Oh, hey! You're that girl Shiemi was with earlier!" I nodded. "I'm Rin Okumura!" He held out his hand, and I shook it. "Natsuki Kusaka." He looked at the case holding my Katanas. "Hey, you have a sword, too?! Cool!" I smiled, and rubbed the back of my neck. "Hehe, yeah. Technically its two, but..." I shrugged. He grinned, and then looked behind him, his grin fading slightly. "I have to go, bye!" And then he ran off again. Shaking my head, I took one step, ONE. STEP. And then someone ran into me. I groaned. "I'm starting to think that my luck just hates me..." I heard chuckling, and I looked up to see Surugo. "Hey, nice running into you again." I laughed "Hey, it's not my fault this time! You were the one who ran into me. And here I thought things were going well when I didn't run into Okumura..." He laughed a little and helped me up, again, making me feel small. I pouted. "Jeez, I feel so small whenever you do that..." He raised an eyebrow. "Do what?"--"Help me up. I mean, I feel like you're just picking up a damn feather when you do..." He laughed. "Well, I mean you're really light so, I can't really help it." I crossed my arms, and he laughed. "Well, I'm raising Okumura, so I have to catch up. Bye!" And then he ran off as well. I laughed to myself, and went the rest of the way without running into someone; both litterally and metaphorically.

Closing my door behind me, I thought about this whole Transforming thing. Sitting on the edge of my bed(yes, I've excepted these things as mine), I closed my eyes, and tried to picture what I would look like as a little kitty. Would I be black? Grey? Brown? A mix? I sighed, and opened my eyes, only to have them widen, and me to yell in shock. 'WHAT THE HELL?!?!' My whole room looked three times bigger than it did before, and I went to stand up, but I... fell of the bed? Shaking my head, i groaned; I looked up at the bed. I yelled again. Wanna know why?

I. Looked. Up. At. The. Bed.

Just then, there was a knock at the door, and Mephisto walked in. I almost fainted. He was a Giant! He grinned at me... and picked me up? I finally went to look down at my hands, and saw they were tiny, fuzzy paws. I tilted my head, and looked behind me. I did it! I turned into a kitty! I looked up at Mephisto. "Well done, Natsuki! I see you were quite shocked?" I nodded. 'I nearly had a tiny heart-attack!' I sighed. That's right. He can't understand me. Cuz, I'm a cat... He put me down, and then did something so odd I couldn't help but stare. "Eins, Zwei, Drei!" In front of me was now a white terrier. 'Woah...' He nodded, wagging his tail. 'Exorcists can't usually change like this, but I'm special. As are you.' I nodded, and then he changed back. "Are you going to change back?" I shook my head, and pounced on his foot, my tail swishing to and fro excitedly. 'No way! This is too cool!' He chuckled, and picked me up, placing me on his shoulder. "Okay, then. I have to stop Mr.Surugo and Mr.Okumura's race before they end up hurting someone. I nodded, and just enjoyed the ride, purring contently.

-Time Skip-

I watched as Mephisto stopped Surugo and Okumura, but they weren't paying attention to him. They were paying attention to me. Okumura spoke up. "Kusaka? Is that you?" Surugo looked at Okumura "That's Kusaka?!" I looked up at Mephisto. Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it... "Yes. She's a half demon." I yelled out in frustration, which turned out to be a small, irritated meow. They stiffled their laughs, and I jumped off of Mephisto's shoulder, underestimating the distance. When I landed,  I staggered a little, almost as if I was dizzy; the landing shocked me more than it hurt, but those subsided when I heard those three call me cute. I made this low voice deep in my throat, and they stopped. I mentally wore a smug smirk until...


I jumped up, and in a couple mere seconds I had turned back to human, and punched where the sound came from, my eyes closed. I turned around, and opened my eyes. "Oh, Sorry, Mephisto...!"--"Ow... who knew such a young girl could throw a punch that hurt so much?" He dramatically teared up. I looked at Surugo, and whispered "He's joking, right? I didn't even hit him hard..." He looked at me, slightly shocked, slightly amused. "Um, no. He's not joking." My eyes widened, and Okumura took a small step away from me. "You alright, Mephisto?" He nodded. "Quite! You have amazing reflexes! So, I guess that also means you have tremendous speed, hearing, sight, smell.... and... oh, what was that last one..?" He held his chin, trying hard to remember. Surugo looked at me, and chuckled. "Strength?" Mephisto went from thinking so hard steam came out of his ears, to in-my-face-crazy excited in 0.00259 seconds, causing me to jump a little. But, hey, at least I didn't punch him, right? "Oh yes! Well done Surugo! That's what I had forgotten! And, Natsuki, you'll also have a great memory. Say, you don't know the way somewhere? A person will only have to tell you the way once, because you'll remember the way immeadietly." I nodded, and Surugo laughed a little with Okumura at how fast his mood changed. Thinking for a second, Mephisto said "Well, since it's the weekend, and it's hot outside, I'll lend you all one of the small houses I rent near the edge of town. It has a really large pool, and a bedroom big enough for everyone to sleep in. I'll tell the others, while you three pack. You'll head there before dinner. Oh, and Monday and Tuesday some of the staff and I are going on a requested mission, so you'll have those days off as well, and are welcome to stay at the house during that time, as well." We all nodded, thanked him, and ran back to our rooms to pack. Before I parted ways with Surugo and Okumura, Surugo smiled at me. "Hey Kusaka? You can call me Bon, if you want." I smiled. "Okay. Natsuki." He tilted his head, and I explained. "That's my name. Natsuki." He nodded, and patted my head as he walked away with Rin.

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