A Month Later

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A/N Okay, I'm on another road trip and have nothing better to do, so here's an update. Also, if you get the Pokémon X and Y reference, you will be my favorite person. May the odds be ever in your favor. LET THE GAMES BEGIN.

A month or so later and Marinette's bones have 'miraculously' healed. Everyone is excited to see Ladybug back on the streets of Paris.

Anyways, Chat visits Marinette almost every night, and Felix everyday. In fact, who is that I spy walking through the shop door?

"Felix!" Marinette exclaimed gleefully, rushing up to give him a hug. Felix returned said hug very briefly, as he is not one for hugs.

"Hello, Marinette. How's the shop?" He asked politely.

"The shop? How's the shop? Geez, Felix, you aren't very good at this whole talking to people thing. You're supposed to say, 'Dear Marinette, how are are you faring?' and pat my head, or something!" She shook her head, disappointed but not mad at him.

"W-What?" He stammered, unsure what to do about his 'improper' greeting.

"Aw, you're cute when you stammer! Do it more!"

He blushed and turned away, pointing to the door. "W-Well, would you like to come with me to a café? I was about to go to Café Soleil."

Marinette just smiled and nodded, unashamedly taking his hand and leading the way out of the shop. They kinda looked like a happy couple, and that thought made the both of them blush.

Taking a table outside, they sat across from each other, holding hands across the table.

A waiter came up to them and asked, "Now what can I get for the young couple?"

Although, it seemed impossible, the two of them went even more red than before, quickly pulling their hands back and stammering that they weren't together.

"Sure, sure, whatever you say," the waiter chuckled, "now what can I get for you?"

Felix cleared his throat and ordered for the both of them. The rest of their meal went much like this: the two looked away from each other, extremely red-faced, and kept looking at the other, sometimes being caught in the act.

When they were finished and Felix paid for the bill, he got up and cleared his throat. "That was... an experience. Let me walk you home."

Marinette giggled. "Why, of course, Prince Charming." Mockingly, he held out his elbow for her and she hooked hers through his.

"Let us depart, sweet princess."

She startled, looking at him agape. "What did you just call me?"

Crap, Felix thought. "I-It was a joke. Y-You know I'm not good at this."

She smiled slyly. "Sure it was. Anyways, I thank you, good knight."

"Whatever happened to Prince Charming?"

"I dub thee Sir Felix the Knight."

He chuckled nervously. "Whatever you say, Princess."


Meanwhile, back at the Agreste estate....

"Mr. Agreste."

Gabriel Agreste looked up from his work at his assistant. "What is it?"

"Your nephew has arrived. He claims to have been in Paris for two months and was going at the same school as your son. His au pair was looking after him before he decided to see you."

Gabriel sighed. "Bring him in."

His wife's sister's son waltzed in, looking ever like his aunt with his tan skin, emerald eyes and golden blonde hair. "Hullo, uncle! How far thee?" He exclaimed over dramatically.

"I am well, thank you, but you may not be now that you've finally decided to show, Adrien. Do you know how anxious I have been waiting for you to get back from your escapade? I thought something bad had happened!"

Adrien gasped. "He has feelings! Oh my, what a day! Will I find that my cousin can feel as well?"

"Adrien, stop this nonsense at once. Now go get settled in. You know where your room is. Felix went out with a friend and should be back soon. I suspect he's walking her home."

"Her? His friend's a her?" He whistled. "Atta boy, Felix! I taught him everything I know."

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Like I said, get settled in."

"You didn't deny it." He accused.

"Go to your room, Adrien!"

"Okay, okay! I'm going, I'm going!"


Having had one of the best days of his life, Felix was getting ready to climb up the stairs when he stopped and thought about what just happened. Sighing—yes, sighing—dreamily—yes, dreamily—he made his way to his room when he suddenly heard a catcall.

"Felix! I heard you got yourself a lady friend!"

Turning around, Felix spotted his cousin Adrien fairly easily.

"Adrien. I see you've made it to Paris in one piece."

Adrien went into a deep bow. "Very easily, my liege."

Felix rolled his eyes. "Get up, Adrien. It's getting late. You should unpack."

Saluting, Adrien wordlessly retreated to his room. As soon as Felix closed his door he transformed into Chat Noir. He had one foot out the window when the door to his room opened.

"Oh, and Fe—" Adrien stared slack jawed at his cousin.

After a moment of silence and staring, Chat said, "You. Saw. Nothing," and was racing along the rooftops of Paris.

A/N Yeah, that was a cute episode. AND DID YA GET THE REFERENCE? DID YA?

-Rouge Cur

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