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The loud engines sent sound waves through the air and the plane's large wheels kissed the ground with a shaky thump as Youngbin, Inseong, and the boy arrived in the capital city of South Korea- Seoul.

There was a long queue of passengers which slowly trailed down the ramp from the plane and this meant it took a long time for the three males to exit the airport. Prior to boarding the London plane to Seoul, Youngbin had managed to acquire a passport for the boy. When he asked for his name, he said he was called Chani.

The boy never talked but rather, replied with actions instead. Youngbin did not want him to be like this for long and so he was going to have Chani learn Korean. He wanted to send Chani to a school like normal kids his age.

Rowoon came to pick up the three in the black car and when he stopped the car, he immediately placed any luggage in the boot. He then opened the passenger doors to allow everyone in.

"Welcome back Sir. I assume your trip to London went well?" He asked as he bowed and held the door open.

"Yes, it did Rowoon. Thank you for asking." Replied Youngbin.

Rowoon also had a quick greeting with Inseong as he got in the car. When Chani passed him, he also showed respect and spoke in English, surprising the boy.

"Welcome, young master."

The journey back to the Kim residence was short and when they entered, all the workers bowed at them. They were all aware of the new addition to the mansion.

Youngbin showed Chani to his room, which was already furnished as he requested. The wardrobe was filled with casual and smart clothing so Chani no longer had to live the life of wearing the same clothes everyday.

Dinner was about to be served soon so Youngbin wanted Chani to be ready.

"You. Shower. Yes?" Youngbin made gestures to try and communicate with him.

Chani just nodded so Youngbin left the room to prepare for dinner himself.

Youngbin and Inseong sat down at the table, along with Chani, and another person came to join the table. Youngbin's crazy uncle- Dawon. He was practically examining Chani and kissed him. For Chani, it wasn't really the most comforting welcome into the family.

Everyone settled down quickly and a lot of food was placed in the table.

"For dinner, I've made your favourite kimchi stew along with fried chicken!" Exclaimed Jaeyoon. He was the household's main chef and was more than thrilled to know that there was going to be an extra mouth to feed in the mansion. He had a strong passion for cooking and although, he worked in the Kim residence, he was practically friends with Youngbin and the others.

Upon the table sat various side dishes, along with a bowl of rice for each person.

"Dig in!" Jaeyoon happily yelled. His chubby cheeks made an appearance as the ends of his mouth curved upwards and he showed his canines.

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