Bible Study! (Part 2)

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Sorry this is so late!

Jesus sets us free
  John 8:31-47

C. Symptoms of slavery v. 37 - 47

a. no room for God's word v. 37
b. opposing God v. 40
c. doing the things the devil does v.41
d. do not love God v. 42
e. unable to hear what God says v.43
f. belongs to satan v. 44
g. want to carry out satan's desires
h. lie (father of all lies) v. 44

Jesus promised the people that if they held to his teaching that would know the truth and find freedom.   However, instead of doing so, they rejected  His teaching by questioning iy, diverging form the subject, doubting, accusing Him and trying to kill Him.

D. Freedom must be exercised and maintained

Many christians today are not enjoying the freedom God wants them to have, they are still in bondage to sin

1. believing the lie of satan
2. pleasure of sin
3. obsessed with some thing
4. involvement in occult practices
5. habitual sins
6. shameful things done in the past(skeleton in the closet)

E. Freedom for what?

As was mentioned in the beginning, the essence of freedom is to be free from something and to be free for something. Now that we have discussed what to be free from, let us discuss what to be free for

a. be what God want us to be
(to be transformed to become more and more like Jesus Christ)

b. do what God wants us to do

• Live a spotless and holy life
• Love God and love people

Memory Verse: John 8:32

Conclusion: When a person let's Jesus be the Lord of his life, he is freed from his slavery to sin. God comes to occupy His rightful place in that person's life.

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