Blue balls

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You walked into the house that the three brothers were sharing. The door was unlocked so you just walked in. You had known the brothers since you were in diapers. You looked around and saw that nobody was in sight. You walked around, confused until you heard laugher coming from Remington's room.
"Emerson?" You called
There was some muffled curse words and a soft bang followed by a groan from Remington. You stopped outside the door and listened.
"I don't know! It's never happened to me!" You heard Sebastian say
"Well google it!" Remington half yelled, half groaned
"That's what you get for going down on a prudey stripper!" Emerson laughed
There was another bang followed by Remington screaming "GET OUT!"
That when Emerson quickly ran out, bumping into you.
"Y/n!" Emerson said as he quickly shut the door, standing in front of it. "What are you doing here?"
"I was going to the store, I thought I'd stop by and see if you needed anything..." you say as you look past him at the door curious "What's going on in there?"
"Oh-nothing-" Emerson was cut off by Remington's scream
"Is he okay? Remington!" You call trying to get past Emerson
Emerson started laughing again.
"What's going on? Is Remington okay?" You ask worried
Emerson sighed still laughing "Er-Um... Remington's got blue balls..."
You had to laugh.
"What?" You laughed
"He brought home a stripper- and-" Emerson couldn't stop laughing "when he started going down on her- she left!"
You and Emerson were both laughing hysterically when there was a yell from Remington and another bang. That's when Sebastian walked out, fixing his messy hair.
"What happened in there?" You ask trying to compose yourself
Sebastian fixed his hair "He threw a pillow at me."
"Same." Emerson said
Sebastian whacked him upside the head "At least I was trying to help!"
"Wait-" You stopped laughing and straighten up, leaning against the door "You do know the cure for it right?"
Emerson and Sebastian looked at each other and shrugged.
"To be fair, we've never actually had blue balls before." Emerson said
You rolled your eyes "You either jack off or fuck someone."
Emerson and Sebastian looked at each other, grinning.
Your eyes widened as you caught on to what they were thinking.
"Oh hell no." You say eyes wide
Emerson and Sebastian nodded at each other, glaring at you with the same stupid grin.
Before you could object or even blink, Emerson and Sebastian had opened the door, pushing you inside.
You landed on the floor looking up at the door.
"Got your cure right here Remi!" Emerson said as he quickly shut the door.
You quickly sprang up, throwing yourself at the door in hopes of getting to it before Emerson closed it.
Too late.
You pulled on the door handle. It wouldn't move.
Emerson was pulling on it from the other side.
"Emerson!" You whined
You gave up pulling and there was silence for a second.
"Y/n!" Emerson mocked in the same whiny tone
You sighed, looking over your shoulder.
Remington laid on the bed, only a sheet draped over him. He looked in pain, though his hand was on his face.
"Shit." You mumbled to yourself
He looked like a Greek god or something, yes you were friends- but you couldn't deny the times you had to talk yourself out of having a crush on Remington.
"Hi y/n..." Remington groaned with his hand still on his face
You swallowed hard and slowly made your way over to the bed. You crossed your arms, trying to play it cool even though you were sweating. You scoffed looking over Remington but your dry voice cracked. You tried to play it off but Remington notices. He moved his hand from his face. Looking at you, attempting to smirk through the pain.
You straighten up with your arms crossed, your eyes traveled over his perfect body but paused when you got to the tent in the sheets.
"Why doesn't this surprise me?" You scoffed
"Like what you see-?" Remington cringed in pain, rolling over and grabbing a pillow. Groaning into it.
You frowned, you hated seeing him in pain. Gently sitting down on the edge of the bed and with a shaky hand. You touched it to his sweaty shoulder.
"Remington-?" You say
Remington just groaned.
You rolled your eyes, biting the bullet.
"Oh for fucks sake, you're my best friend- and I'm doing this because we are friends! Got it?" You say
Remington rolled back onto his back. Looking up at you.
"You sure?" Remington asked
You bite your lip and nodded.
"I also hate seeing you in pain." You say as you caress his cheek, leaning down to place a kiss on his soft lips.
Remington looked a bit taken aback but his expression quickly changed to pained as his hand flew to cover his face. A groan escaping his lips.
"Fuck!" He groaned
"Okay okay, I'm going!" You say as to grab the sheet and throw it aside, exposing Remington's raging hard.
Now you knew why they called it blue balls.
Remington definitely had smuff balls at the moment. That stripper really left him all hot and bothered.
You swallowed hard and with a shaking hand grabbed him.
Remington grabbed a pillow, pressing it to his face, muffling a scream.
"Sorry Remi!" You say as you tighten your grip sliding your hand up and down his long length.
You quickly realized that a simple hand job wasn't gonna do it. You looked up at Remington who's face was still buried in a pillow.
He's so fucking hot!
Fuck it!
You quickly wrapped your lips around his length, giving him the satisfaction he needed. You sucked him off until the pillow came away from his face. Remington sat up on his elbows looking down at you as you looked up at him.
His head fell back in pleasure as he tangled one of his hands in your hair, forcing himself further into your mouth.
"Oh-god- fuck- shit- oh-" Remington moaned "Y/n! Oh fuck!"
Remington came in your mouth and you swallowed it.
Remington collapsed onto the bed in relief and exhaustion. You stood up, nodding- slightly embarrassed- slightly upset. You loved Remington, but he didn't love you back. You were just someone to call in a crisis. That's how it's always been. If any of the boys had a problem. It was you fixing it. And did you ever get a thank you? Not usually.
You sighed and turned to leave but Remington grabbed your wrist.
"Y/n." He said with his eyes still closed "come here."
You hesitated but laid down next to Remington anyway. Staring at the ceiling before Remington wrapped his arms around you.
Your heart sped up.
"You're so fucking good, why haven't you sucked my dick before?" Remington mumbled in your ear
Your breath hitched in your throat, swallowing hard. Remington opened his eyes when you didn't reply.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" Remington said looking down at you "You regret this don't you?"
"No-!" You exclaim "Its just- I don't want this to end- I- I love you Remington."
Remington froze for a second before pulling you closer to his chest.
"I love you too y/n..." Remington said as he kissed the top of your head.

This one sucked but oh fucking well. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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