Chapter 17: Please Dont Scare Him Away Mom

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You called Brian and told him to pick you up at the hospital.He said he would meet you in the room so he could say hi to Calvin and your mother.Easy enough to he got there just moments ago.You told him the room number so he could get in.You heard footsteps coming from down the hall and when they stopped a knock was heard at the door.You said to come in an it was Brian with a smile plastered on his face.

"So this is your boyfriend?"your mom asked
"Yes this is Brian,Brian meet my mom,mom meet Brian,Brian meet Calvin,Calvin meet Brian"you introduced
"So Brian how will you treat my daughter in this relationship?"your mom asked
"I will treat her like she is a queen I will shower her with my love and happiness and support her in times of need"Brian said
"Geez mom not this again your going to make him feel awkward and uncomfortable"you said
"Hush dear an let me continue,Brian do you feel that you love Y/N"your mom asked
"Uh,yes we have only been dating for a couple days and I didn't want to rush in and say that I love her in because we have only been dating a few days but in these past few days I feel that word love"Brian said
"Oh how adorable little puppy love I was just messing with you I know you will treat my daughter right,remember to use a condom"she whispered the last part
"No he's uncomfortable this is why all my other boyfriends would never come over"you said looking at Brian
"No Y/N it's ok I'm fine not like we would ever do such a thing anyways"Brian said
"Hey you hurt my sister I'll hurt you"Calvin said
"Calvin he won't hurt me I don't think"you said
"Alright you little love birds get to school before I kick your asses"your mom said and smacks your ass as you walked out the door(my mom actually does this and it's weird anyways in with the story)

Brian had a weird look at first but then laughed at what had just happened.Brian seemed to be more confused than uncomfortable or awkward.

"She does it to me all the time it's weird"you said
"It just means you have a close relationship with her which is good it's actually kind of funny"Brian said as you walked to the elevator to go to the parking lot
"Sorry if she weirded you out or anything she tends to scare boyfriends away because how she can be"you apologized
"No need she was actually pretty cool and a little weird but everyone is"Brian replied as you walked to the car
"Thank god I thought she scared another one away"you said and sighed in relief
"You aren't losing me that easy"Brian said with a wink

(Time skip sorry for time skipping so much)

You arrived at school just a few minutes before the bell and you saw the group you both started walking up to them.Sara immediately saw you and gave you a hug.She wasn't really the hugger type but you were you best friend so how could she not.

"Hey you bitch where were you yesterday?"She asked
"I wasn't feeling so well so I stayed home"you lied which she saw right through
"Bullshit"Sara said
"Seriously I wasn't feeling good just ask Brian"you said putting him in the spot
"Was she puking everywhere?If she was puking you better have held her hair up for her?Did you stay with her the whole time?Brian you-"Sara interrogated but was cut off by you
"Sara calm your ass I was fine and he held my hair up for me"You answered to shut her up

Tyler stole Brian's phone out of his back pocket and looked at the lock screen.It was a picture of you holding the rose while standing by the edge of the cliff looking at the city.You almost completely forgot he took the picture of you.

"I didn't know Y/N was such a model Brian"Tyler said showing everyone the phone screen
"Hey you fucker how in the hell did you get my phone and give it back"Brian said and yanked his phone back
"Ooooo Brian and Sara ditched"Evan said
"Not like you haven't Evan I saw you with that girl Laura you ditched both 6th and 7th hour so shut the hell up"you said

Everyone started to do that stupid "oooooo" shit.Then bell rang causing you to all spread apart to go to your classes.You walked to English not far behind Sara and Craig with Evan by your side.You remained silent from what had just happened.You didn't mean to snap at Evan like that he was just joking around.You felt like you already did enough damage so you didn't want to talk with him.You entered class and sat down in your normal spot by Sara and Evan with Craig by Sara.

"Why didn't you tell me you went on a date with him"Sara asked
"Well you see it wasn't exactly planned"you said
"Oh I see"Sara said
"Do I have to explain anymore or am I free now mom?"you said
"Hey I'm not your mom"Sara said crossing her arms
"Sure act like her sometimes"you said
"Shut the hell up faggot"Sara said
"Ok faggot"you said

The rest of class was quiet Evan still hadn't said a word you started feeling bad but he knew why you said that so it wasn't so bad.He passed a not to you in the middle of a lecture.

'Hey Y/N Im sorry I didn't mean to say that don't feel bad you had the right to tell my ass down,also I have a hockey game tomorrow do you want to come?'

You smiled up a him as wrote in the back

'You didn't have to apologize I snapped at you I guess I was getting a bit overwhelmed with all of Sara's stupid questions at Brian like he some sort of criminal and it bothered me so I took it out on you sorry Evan I would love to see you fall in your ass'

You both smiled at each other as you passed back the note.His hand touched yours for a longer second and you felt your heart skip a beat.No this wasn't right you were with Brian you felt that for only Brian.Sure Evan was tall,handsome,funny,and kind but so was Brian you felt that for only Brian.You sorta frowned as your own thoughts harassed you like devil and angel but you shook the thoughts away.The bell for second hour rang and it was time to go to chemistry with the person you had chemistry with no pun intended.You walked in and saw Brian up front in his normal spot you went to sit next to him but of course Mr.Asswipe was quick to say something.

"Y/N to the back"he pointed and you got fed up and started arguing like a seven year old in a way
"Look Mr how long have I been here about a month or so maybe a bit longer right,the only time you ha a problem with me was in my first day yes I apologized but do you really have to keep treating me like a Jr high student I am a young adult treat me like one and I will treat you how you should be treated thank you speech over"you said and sat back down by Brian
This chapter was ok.No one asked questions for a Q&A so I am just publishing anyways if I get enough questions (or any) I will do a Q&A.Its only if you guys really want to I thought it would be kinda cool thy you guys get to know your author a bit better.My high school has wifi it's not the greatest I mean I can still listen to my music  on YouTube and go on Instagram but the one damn thing I want and need to do is publish.I feel like I have missed so much in the fandom.I heard something about Bryce and ohm but not much.One for thing and then I'll shut the hell up.I kinda hate to admit it but I'm sorta running out of ideas.If any of you have an idea or something just ask me in comments,personal message,or DM on Instagram.DM me on my editing account If you have any ideas (@delirious.editor).Always keep fighting see you next time <3 you all peace!! (I talk to much in author notes)

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