Dynast Of My Heart

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One shot story of 2 moons the series.
Hope u like it. Please read this story
while wating for " 2 moons's fate" new chapter.

Beam's POV

Forth has changed alot. He was drinking alchol again. He started smoking again. He was doing all the things that I don't like. On top of that,
he never look into my eyes, like he always used to do. He don't smile at me. He don't even fake a smile.

What is going on? Could it be that he hate me now? If so, what did I do wrong? Forth, Please look into my eyes and give me a reason.

Right now, I was sitting in font of him.
He was drinking all the day. I tried to stop him but he didn't listen to me.

"Forth,What is going on? You have been drinking all the day. Please stop"
I tell him with my tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Forth, I am telling u to stop. If u keep
drinking you will die " I begged him but he kept drinking one cup after another.

" Forth!" I shouted with anger and tears " Why are you doing all of this. If u hate me that much, just tell me. I will leave".
I can't stop my tears, they are falling non-stop.

Forth glared at me but he didn't say anything. Suddenly, he grabbed a cup and threw it on the wall. He started to throw all the things near him.
His eyes filled with anger. All of his smile, kidness and good manners had gone. The man standing in front of me is not my Forth. If he was my Forth he will never did this kinds of things.

Forth grabbed his coat and leaded his way to outside. I step in front of him
" Forth, Where are u going? You can't go out. You are too drunk. It's too dangerous to go out in this condition."
I tried to stop him. He didn't look at me. He acted like he didn't see me.
He opened the door and left me behind.

I covered my face with my hands. Tears are falling non stop, I bit my lower lip. My body is weak now. I want to know the reason ," Forth, why are u doing this to me... " I shouted and cried. My heart hurt, just like thousand of knifes stubbed inside.
I was lost in my though and then all my version went black.

I heard the door open. I open my eyes quickly. I can't see clearly because I have cried alot. I rubed my eyes and rushed toward the door.
" Forth, Where have u been? I have been wating for you. It was midnight already. You should at least call my Ph........ Forth, What is the meaning of this? " I saw him kissing with a girl. He was holding her tight and kissing in front of me. My eyes filled with tears, again. My heart filled with anger and hate.

" I HATE YOU " I shouted and left the house. I ran with my heart content and I don't even look back. I ran and ran, tears are blocking my eyes. I knee down on the ground and shout.
I hit my chest again and again with my hand. I was in the hell alive.
" Somebody....somebody, please explain me this situation"

After one or two hour later, I wiped my tears and come back home. I opened the door slowly. I looked around found Forth was sleeping on the bed alone. I also looked for the girl but I can't find her. Maybe she already left. I sat beside Forth " My Forth, please come back to me. I need u" I whispered and kissed his forehead. I don't sleep beside Forth,I slept on the sofa. I was looking at Forth until I fall asleep.

Forth's POV

* Memories Flash back *

Today is the day I have been wating for. I am going to propose Beam. I am going to ask him to be my soul mate
for the rest of my life. I asked him to come to the park where he accepted me as his boyfriend. I checked myself on the mirror for one last time. I smile and took out the proposal ring from my pocket. I kiss it. I was smiling like an idiot. For today, I am the happiest person on this world. It was alittle early but I went to the park and waited for Beam. I saw Beam, he smiled at me. He was on the opposite side of the park. I waved my hand at him. I was so happy to see him. I run toward him.

"Forth, Stay back " he shouted at me and pushed me to the other side of the road. I saw a truck hit Beam in front of my eyes. I was too shocked. I ran toward Beam.He was lying on the ground. He was bleeding non stop.
I picked up Beam from the ground and hug him tightly.

"Beam... Beam... please wake up.
Open your eyes. Please... " I call his name and shake his body.

" Beam.. please don't leave me " I said again and again.
His blood are all over my clothes.

" Somebody, plz call an ambulance " I shouted at the crowd. I hugged Beam tightly.

After that day, my life change.It been a month now. Beam was not here anymore.Beam, do u really think I can survice in this world without u?
I miss u so much.It was all my fault.I should have give more attention.

I keep blaming myself. I drunk alchol to reduce the pains from my heart. I have been drinking all the day. I want to see Beam. I want to see his smile. All of my sadness turn into anger . I grab a cup and threw it to the wall.I start to throw the things away. I release my anger. It was all my fault that Beam die.I am the one who kill him. I am the killer.I am the one who should die.

I grab my coat and lead my way outside to buy another bottel. I drunk more at the pub.I met a girl, she said she can company me tonight. I was too drunk and I accepted her offer. I went home with her. When we enter the house, she kiss me.

This kiss was different from the kiss I want. The kiss I want was so sweet and only Beam can give me that kiss.
This kiss, this kiss is disgusting .
I shove her off from me. She tried to kiss me again but I shove her again.

" I am sorry. Can u please leave? Here's the money" I said and give her some money from my pocket.She look at me with confused eyes.She said no words. She put on her heels and left.

I put my hands on my face. The tears are coming out again. My heart start to hurt again. I go to my bed and lie down. I looked around the room. I saw a small white bottle. I grabbed it quickly. I looked at the bottel and think. My tears are rolling non stop on my cheeks. I think for one last time and smile.

" Wait for me Beam" I said in soft voice and without hesitate I drink up all of the pills. I lie back on the bed. I saw Beam smiling at me.I smile and smile.
"I am coming ,Beam " i said again and all my version went black slowly.

When I open my eyes I saw Beam sleeping on the sofa. The moon light was dancing upon him .
I am so happy to see him again. I get up from bed and go near him. I bend down my knees on the ground.I look at him closely. Yes, this is my beam. My beautiful beam. The dynast of my heart.
"Beam " i whisper into his ear.

He open his eyes slowly.When he saw me, he sit stright up on the sofa.
I am so happy to see him again. I hug him tightly. He look alittle confuse.

" Forth,what..." before he finish his words, I kiss him. Yes! This is the kiss I want.

I look into his eyes and said " Please stay like this for a while " and then i hug again. He smile at me and hug me back .

" I miss u so much, Beam .Don't ever leave me alone ,again" I said and kiss him again.

I have finally meet my Beam again. This time I will never let go of him. I will hold his hand tightly. I just want to be with him no matter what happen.
Even if it cost my life......

The end ^-^

Here some tissues
and icecream

I hope u like it. *^*
I just want to write some unusual story.
Good news ^3^
"2 moon's fate" new chapter is on the way...Opps! 😑😑
Traffic suck 🚘🚘🚍🚌🚥🚥🚦
Just kidding the chapter is almost finish just fixing some points to be smooth.
I love u .. Kiss :-*
Hug (っ◕‿◕)っ ♥
Thank you so much for always supporting me (>‿♥)(>‿♥)(>‿♥)

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