A weird message...

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9:54 pm

"Hey guys i'm back with another video! I hope you'll like it. It's an edit for the best singer in the world named Shawn Mendes. So if you're excited to watch this video, give it a thumbs up and enjoy."

Okay, now let's edit everything together. Wait... Shawn posted something on instagram yaaaaas let's look what he posted. It's a video of him with his crew! So cute!!

26 minutes later

Okay, the video is finished. Let's post it! Honestly, i'm really proud of this edit and secretly i hope that he will notice it. Okay no he will never notice it. Well, whatever. I really need to sleep now, tomorrow a big party at Tara her house! Omg i'm so excited! Goodnight...

07:45 Goodmorning y'all! Let's see how many views i got on my new video. Ah i got 120, that's great!! Now let's go to school.

14 minutes later in the classroom

Ugh, not maths again... i suck at this class.

"Okay guys take all your pencils out, we're having a test!" said Mrs Bayley.

WAIT... A test? Omg i must forgot about it. Shit okay don't freak out, just think of something nice. SHAWN! I already feel better. Thank god it's friday and i can listen the whole weekend to Shawn and make some youtube videos.

"Okay everybody quiet!!! I will be handing out the test now. If you talk you'll get immediately an F."

I'm so nervous. Why do i have to make this test when i now i'm going to fail it. Well, let's give it a try...

46 minutes later

Wauw, that test wasn't even that difficult. Okay i have still ten minutes to relax. Let's grab my phone and watch how many views i got now. WOW! 738 VIEWS!! Omg i'm so suprised! I never got so many views! I need to tell Michelle about it.

N: "Omg bestfriend guess how many views i got on my video?!!"
M: "I think about uhmm... 200?"
N: "Wrong!! I got over 700 views! Omg i'm so happyyy."
M: "Omg that's awesome! I'm so happy for you!! But i need to go now, i have biology... boringgg aff!! Talk to you later, bye babe."
N: "Byeee, goodluck with the worst teacher ever in there hahahah...."

Bell rings

Okay just 2 more subjects and i can go home again..


Okay finally i'm home. Let's check again on my video. OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!! 2,5K VIEWS!! AM I DREAMING?! And all the people who commented liked it. Maybe there's more chance that Shawn will notice it... Okay no, again, that will never happen.

Let's post my photo edit on my fanaccount. I haven't posted in a while. Why is everyone commenting on my last photo "Omg shawn reposted your edit!"
DID HE? OMG SHAWN FREAKING NOTICED ME WTH IM FREAKING OUTT!!!! Did he just really reposted my photo edit?

Shit! There's no time left to make edits... I need to dress up for Tara her party. Let's do that.
This red dress or this blue one? Omg I can't choose!!! Hey, someone messaged me.
A anonymous number? Hmm... weird. Let's read the message.

Anonymous: "Hey, I got your number because i dmed a friend of yours! Please don't freak out, you looked like a sweetheart and very pretty. x S.
N: "Who is S?"
Anonymous: "I'm Shawn, nice to meet you :) "
N: "Shawn doesn't say anything to me? The only thing that is popping in my mind is Shawn Mendes but you're not him for sure haha."
Anonymous: "Well you guessed it right Nathalie, I am that guy who is popping in your mind now."
N: "WHAT?! SERIOUS? Okay wait before i freak out, how do i know for sure that you are THE Shawn Mendes? ;) "
Anonymous: I'll send a pic! *Sends pic*
N: "Well this is just some pic from the internet. Please just leave me alone and go bother someone else..."
Anonymous: "Guess i can't force you to talk to me, but i'll wait for you."

Okay that was very weird. I know for sure that this was just some weirdo who likes to bother people.
*Shawn tweeted something*
Hey omg a new tweet! What does it say?
"Just messaged a pretty girl but she didn't know it was me... Life is so hard sometimes :( "

Wait what? This must be one big coincidence. Maybe i should message him back...

I want you - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now