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Percy stands there in front of Mr. Herondale, eyes wide and at a loss for words. He blinks rapidly and stumbles back a few steps as he emerges from his trance. "W-what?"

The taller man smiles, it's a kind twist of his lips, and Percy is given the vague impression that he does it quite often. "I am your father Perseus. My name is-"

"No. I'm sorry. I did hear you the first time." Percy takes a step back, his heart in his throat. "It's just not possible. I don't have a dad."

Poseidon's eyebrows furrow in either confusion or concern, possibly both. The old Principal, Mr. D, looks up and his eyes narrow, though he doesn't say anything. 

Percy takes another step back, his hand on the door. He doesn't know where this panic is coming from but he knows that he doesn't want this. Most people would think that he would be elated to find out he has a father or angry that the man was never there, but not Percy. He can't have his father see the kind of life he lets himself lead. The man would be ashamed. Percy is a mess. A disgrace. 

"Perseus-" Poseidon says taking his own step forward.

"Percy." He replies automatically causing his newfound father to stop. "It's just Percy." Using the man's surprise to his advantage he dips out of the office. He nearly sprints past the secretary and down the hall to the main doors of the school. His heart is pounding in his chest. 

He sees Jason coming down the hall toward him, likely skipping the rest of lunch to make sure his friend isn't in too much trouble. 

He doesn't care. He just runs. He isn't normally one for flat-out running away from his problems like this, contrary to what his friends think. He usually just hides them from everyone, but right now he can't let his real dad see how shameful of a son he really is, how much of a letdown he is.

'That man looks well off. He doesn't need me ruining that for him.' Percy ends up at the beach. He hasn't been here in so long.

He collapses onto the sand, lying on his back, trying to suck in air. He's fit in a way because he exercises whenever he can actually find the time. However, his endurance is a little lacking as a result of the fact that he can never find enough time to do something like go for a good run. And now he can't seem to get the right amount of oxygen into his lungs. On top of that, his arm burns again as if a fire is raging through his veins.

His rapid heart nearly stops beating all at once when a familiar face suddenly appears above his, familiar not because he sees the person often but because the person has a face far too much like his own. Or rather Percy has Mr. Herondale's face. Poseidon is panting, though not as harshly as Percy and a thin layer of sweat covers his brow.

He helps Percy sit up and rubs his back, trying to make it easier to breathe. After some minutes Percy begins to calm down.

"What were you doing?" Poseidon asks, his voice isn't scolding. It's confused and concerned.

Percy shakes his head. "Needed...some... air."

Poseidon chuckles. "Lot of good this approach did you."

Percy doesn't smile. He turns his face away, to hide the expression of near despair that crosses it. He just made himself look like more of an idiot than he already is. 

His father, though it feels weird to call him that, lays a hand on his shoulder. Percy flinches before he can stop himself, causing the older man's mounting worry to swell. "Percy.... let's go somewhere to talk. I know this must be a lot to digest. I can take you to my place. You don't have to go back to school."

Finding no other alternative, Percy nods numbly. 


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