The Begining

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Hello readers before I start I just wanted to let you thanks for reading my diabolik lovers story and I'm just so happy  ~ Author-chan ; )

Y/n = your name
F/c = favorite color
Y/l/n = your last name
E/C = eye color
S/f/c = Second favorite color
H/c = hair color
H/L = Hair length
F/F = favorite food

Your pov

I was traveling until I collapsed from walking nonstop and I saw a flash of red and white so I changed my aura as a human before I blacked out. I woke up with a massive headache "ye child ye should rest" my eyelids grew heavier and heavier feeling sleep take over my body.

Inuyasha pov

I was sitting in my tree until I smelled a demon coming our way. I went to investigate it until I saw a women fall to the ground, I went up to her cautiously and saw that she blacked out I had to bring her to lady kaede. She woke up later on with e/c eyes that sparkled in the moonlight. She seems familiar and she went back to sleep.

Your pov

I woke up in a small hut with unspecified people outside they all stared at me. I felt embarrassed so I ran to a large oak tree and jumped up on it until I reached the top I sang a song to calm my nerves.

(Play song)

It's okay,
I don't even cry
all I think about is a memory
and the dream when you kissed my arm
as I look away, don't hear what I say
That maybe when I die,
I'll get to be a car
driving in the night
lighting up the dark.
something in your voice
it sparks a little hope
I'll wait up for that noise
your voice become my home
One way road, don't care what I find
A little thunder's good, I thought maybe you would
but it's okay, we all feel left out
sometimes growing up, it can get you down.
I give you something that no one's going to give you
my sleepin' skin and my heart deep down in you
I'll never tell you, but you're my little scar
Goodbyes are hard and they're hard and they're hard
Maybe when I die
I'll get to be a car
driving in the night
Lighting up the dark
Something in your voice,
sparks a little hope
I'll wait up for that noise
your voice becomes my home.

I knew some one followed me " I know your there come out" I said and I jumped down with a battle stance until I saw a man with long white hair and dog ears come out of the night. He smelled like a half demon there was also 2 demons, a priestess with weird clothes, a monk, and a demon slayer. The half demon I knew who he was but I don't think he remembers me.

Inuyasha's pov

The h/c girl ran pretty fast for a mortal so me and everybody chased after her and we hid in the shadows so we don't get caught until we heard singing, her singing sounded amazing until I heard " I know your there come out" she said we all came out and I could tell some thing was wrong with her cause she kept looking at me .
Later on we walked back to lady kaedes hut and I just stared at her, then she looked at me and then I looked away. We introduced ourselves and her name is pretty familiar

Kagomes pov

The h/c haired girl seems nice but I can tell she's not normal she seems like shippo and killala. I must warn inuyasha from this demon but maybe she's not , I introduced myself and she just sat there quietly while the others introduced themselves. "Hey, where are you going?" I asked while she got up and started to walk away " I have to go somewhere and find someone bye" she left us with a lot of questions in our heads.

Your pov

As I was walking I remember my past and I hated it. It makes me angry what then cause I couldn't do anything to stop it. I will get my revenge for what he has done. Then you blacked out

(Past when you were 6)

"Mommy Daddy what are you doing?" The little girl with h/c hair asked her parents while flying around them. "Oh sweetie me and your dad are talking about a surprise for some one" the parents said smiling at there e/c daughter. The girls wolf ears started to twitch at the sound of screaming people" mom dad I'm scared" the h/c girl started to cry in her parents arms. "Honey get our daughter to safety up I'll go see what's up" your father said while your mother grabbed your hand and ran away to safety.


You started to cry slowly and then it gradually grew until you stoped at hearing a twig snap in half.

I looked behind me and saw.....

Ooooooooooo the suspense and the next chapter will be out soon so check it out and Also sorry I haven't updated in a while.
I'm probably going to delete my other book cause I think it's bad but I wanna know if I should or not.

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