Chapter 4: Little Bird

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  I awake in the same room as before, it's gentle cream walls sadly familiar now. I sit up, seeing the door is already cracked open. Hesitating, I'm not sure if I want to try and escape again, but then my mind gets the better of me and I leap to me feet, racing to the door. I let out a yelp as I'm suddenly rushing to meet the floor, landing with an evident thud. I fight the urge to scream in frustration as I see that my left foot is chained to the bed. I gasp as the door opens fully now, all five of the boys standing behind it. They slowly enter, concern plastered on their faces. I pick myself up off the floor and back away from them, over the bed and into the corner behind it, cowering from their stares.

  "Are you alright, love?" asks Liam, and he takes a tentative step towards me. 
  They really care about me falling? Like hell they do! If they cared so much they should let me go!
  "If you're so concerned for me, then let me go! I don't want to be here!" I shout, venom and hatred at my captors pointing from my lips.
  Their faces harden, except for Louis' and Niall's, and Liam takes another step towards me.
  "Katie, it's all right. We won't hurt you. You'll learn to like it here, love," he says, trying to soothe me, but only managing to fuel my anger further.
  "No, I won't! I'll never stop fighting! I'm here against my will, and I'll do anything to get away!" I scream, and I can feel tears threatening to spill.
  "Katie, stop this. Right now. I'm sorry, but you can never leave. We'll make it worth your time though," Liam tries, with a small smile, trying another route to calm me.
  "No!" I shout, the tears falling freely now, my body racking with sobs.
  "Why me, huh? Why? Why did you have to ruin my life?" I sob hysterically now, realizing with a lurch that I might never escape. 
  The bottom of my stomach darkens, pooling up with a new-found hatred for these guys. Silence falls across the room except for my now-slowing sobs, and my stomach chooses now to rumble loudly, which earns laughs from all on the boys.
  "Looks like our little bird is hungry," Niall says, smiling softly at me. 
  They all gaze expectantly at me, but I shake my head.
  "I'm not hungry," I lie.
  I just don't want anything they have to feed me. My stomach betrays me though and rumbles again, and they just shake their heads with a sigh. They turn to leave, and I can't help but sigh in relief once the door is closed. That relief is quickly diminished as the door re-opens, revealing a concerned Louis with a plate of food. He nods towards me, coming to sit on the bed and setting the food down beside him. I shake my head at him, not wanting it, but my stomach rumbles again and he laughs. 
  "Come eat, Katie. You haven't eaten for nearly three days," he says, but I freeze. 
  It's been three days already? I slowly stand, but make no move to come closer. The chain linking me to the bed rustles at my movement, and Louis sighs.
  "You need to eat Katie, come on. I won't make you eat all of it, alright?" he bargains, but I just stare at him defiantly.
  "How do I know you didn't drug it?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.
  Sighing again, he picks up the fork and scoops a bite of scrambled eggs and potatoes onto it. He places it into his mouth and chews it before swallowing it, placing the fork back onto the plate.
  "See? I wouldn't eat something that's drugged, now would I?" he states, trying to sound reasonable.
  I open my mouth to oppose, but then reluctantly shake my head, slowly walking towards him. I sit on the opposite side of the bed, and he slides the plate of food towards me encouragingly. I take a tentative bite, my mouth welcoming the savory flavors. Soon after I take another bite, then another, until the plate is empty. Louis grins at me, then grabs the plate and disappears, so I lay down, turning my back to the door. I hear the door open again and I groan, rolling over to see Louis again, returning and shutting the door.
  "I'm not that bad, am I?" he asks with a lopsided grin, siting beside me on the bed. 
  I sit up and scoot away from him as he lays on the bed, facing the ceiling with his hands on his chest.
  "I won't hurt you, Katie. Why don't we play a little game, alright? I ask you a question, and you answer honestly, then you can ask me a question, and I'll do the same. If you agree to it, I'll even unlock your ankle," Louis smiles, his blue eyes twinkling as he looks up at me.
  I sigh, figuring this is the best way to get answers, and also I want the restriction off of me, so I nod slowly, and his smile broadens to a grin.
  "Great! I'll go first, alright love? First off, what's your full name?" he asks, slipping a key out of his pocket and unlocking me as I reply, pondering for a moment first.
  "Katie Marie Gold," I say, lying about my last name.
  I replaced my last name, Walters, with Gold, Ellie's last name, as she was definitely more family to me than my blood parents were. Her parents cared for me more than my own did, but when she died I didn't really speak to them anymore, as it was too much for me to handle. Though I can feel tears stinging my eyes at me saying her last name, I quickly blink them away and ask Louis a question. 
  "Where are we?" I quiz, looking down at him.
  He laughs. "Why, London of course, love. A bit out of town though, I'd have to say." 
  As he says this, I can't help but gasp. They managed to get me out of the country! That must have been where that third day I don't remember went. 
  I fume silently, and if he notices he just ignores it, firing back another question.
  "What's your mother's name?" he questions, smiling up at me.
  "Rose," I say, my face hardening as I say this. 
  I can't believe he's asking questions like these. It's like he wants me to remember that I'm trapped here. I was tempted to say Kay, Ellie's mother, but decided to give the full truth to that question, feeling slightly bad for lying earlier. I hope he stops with things like this though; I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable with such personal questions.
  "What did I do to deserve this?" I ask quietly, turning away from Louis piercing blue gaze.
  I hear him sigh, pondering his answer. Eventually he replies, sitting up.
  "Look at me Katie," he requests softly, not in a demanding tone, but when I don't turn to him he gently grabs my chin and turns me to look at him.
  He can see that I'm on the verge of tears, and his eyes soften as he answers. 
  "Katie, don't think of it as punishment for anything. That will only bring you down. We just want to help you, that's all. I'm sorry, but we can't let you go, love. You know too much now," he says softly, his bright blue eyes meeting deep emerald ones.
  "I don't deserve this though! What did I ever do? You took me away from my life! I have nothing now!" I fight back the tears forming in my eyes.
  I try to pull my head away, but he keeps it in place with gentle pressure.
  "Oh Katie. You don't have nothing, you have us," Louis speaks softly, in a soothing tone, but I'm not fooled.
  "Do you think I'm supposed to swoon or something? This is worse than nothing!" I practically shout, and now the tears begin to fall. 
  With a sad sigh, he pulls me to his chest, and at first I'm too stunned to do anything. 
  Where did this affection come from? First they kidnap me, now they're trying to soothe me and tell me everything will be fine.
  I finally gather my thoughts enough to push him away, my built up anger now pouring out. 
  "So first, you turn my world upside down. You kidnapped me, for Christ's sake! Then you tell me it's going to be alright because I have you! But it's not! And it never will be! I'm trapped here, a prisoner, and you expect me to think that everything will be alright?" I yell, involuntary sobs racking my body as I do.
  I begin to slightly zone out, remembering a similar argument with my parents, after I was forced to tell them my incident with the cuts was me feeling grief, and taking it out on myself.

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