Chit Chat with Vrinda

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Hi luvvrinda. Welcome to this Chit - chat session..

First of all congratulations for winning Admin choice award for Reader's challange

Thank you😊

So how are you feeling after winning this Admin choice award..?

I am happy and I have gained some more confidence in my writing.

Wow thats good to hear.. ☺

So Any inspiration for writing..?

Yes. I observe around and most things are inspired from my personal life and people around me.

I would like to say that apart from my inspirations, the guidance of my Masi aka Kavita Masi has been a blessing for me. She herself is a writer along side her husband, and the constant guidance from her has helped me grow so much.

Wow.. So any real life incidents that you wrote in your books..?

Yes. Quite a lot. Whether it's my first book, Loving an Angel or my recently completed, A Lost Soul. I have picked up incidents from real life, moulded them a bit to suit my story. It's like you see, you analyse and then you bring out a new version of it.

Even my Randhir of A Lost Soul was an inspiration from real life, and Sanyukta of both Loving an Angel and A Lost Soul are inspirations from people around me and of course parts of my personality too.

So according to you what a good book should have..?

According to me a good book must have an emotional connect with readers. Fantasy is important but not necessary. A book with a perfect mixture of fantasy and reality can only be able to touch a reader's soul.

So What is the thing that you see in other writer's works..?

Writing style as in grammar, then plot and then of course the emotional connect with the characters.

Did your ever thought that writing changed your life..?

Yes. It did. There is no denying in it


It has helped me to cope up with certain aspects of life. I now prefer spending my time writing out things which I feel, whether its poems or stories

Wow.. 😍

So have you ever thought of becoming an engineer after watching Saddahaq..?

No. Never Because I know engineering is not my cup of tea. I am happy with my literature Or should I tell I am in love with literature

Sandhir for you..!!

Passion, intensity and never-give-up love. You can be a Randhir if you know you have a Sanyukta. You don't need to perfect, you need to be a human.

What is the easiest part for you to write..?

Everything is easy if I am in a mood to write, if I am not then everything is difficult. All I need is a perfect mood or a kick from within

Did you publish your works any where else other than Wattpad..?

India forums, Nano writing blog for my stories. Your quotes for my stories and mini blogs. *poems I mean for your quotes instead of stories

Are there any new works in those other than what you write in Watty..?

Yes. There are on IndiaForums. I am working on a fresh story for Nano Writing blog. And all my poems and blogs on Your quotes are fresh.

So are the stories on sandhir..?? Or General fiction..?

I have some on Lakshman and Urmila. And the fresh story is a general fiction. I have posted a short story in Hindi called Manzil too.

You can give the link if u have no problem for your other new stories

If you got a chance to direct a movie on Parsh from the works you wrote, which one will you choose.?

A Lost Soul, without doubt. (p.s. its my only completed story till now) on a second chance then I'll go for Loving an Angel

Describe your personality in one word

Now that is difficult one. I'll go for Awesome😋

😅 I know you are awsome..

Where do you want to see yourself in next 10 years..?

I see myself as a teacher and also as a writer. I want to keep the learning process alive and ongoing, it will help me to grow as a writer.

So Any advice to budding writers..?

What advice can I give to them, when I myself is one. Only I can say follow your heart, destination will be infront of you.

Yes. Your heart plays a major role in writing. He guides you to the path your story should move. Heart is the catalyst for writing, in my case. Then only we can click with right emotions and words.

And finally Thank you vrinda. And congrats again

Thank you di.. You are the one who gives me opportunity for such awesome chit-chats.

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