Chapter one

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The kingdom of summer was a place of happiness and peace, the King ruled the land with fairness and equality. Everyone loved him, everyone wanted to be him. All except one. The kings best friend, Leopold, was jealous of the King. He hated him with a passion and it was all down to the King winning the heart of a fair maiden. Cecilia Magnolia Jones. 

Leopold had loved her first, the King had no interest in her- at least not until he was arranged to marry her. It was like someone had lit a candle and blew it out. Leopold's feelings were forgotten and Cecilia developed feelings for the Kings charm and looks.

They were married and the kingdom rejoiced  for three days straight. Everyone was happy, all except Leopold. He watched the King stand in his place, the smiles Cecilia once gave him now being directed to the King. He hated them both and began to plot his revenge. If he couldn't have Cecilia, no one could.

Late at night when the moon stared down at Leopold in glistening disbelief, Leopold summoned all forces of evil, he approached an apothecary offering luxurious jewels and pieces of gold for a vile of poison. The poison was made and the  apothecary smiled in greedy delight. Leopold left the cellar contently- for he could finally carry out his evil plans.

But he was never able to go through with it. The situations were so similar, the apothecary had betrayed him just like his best friend had. The  apothecary was a spy, the King had began to suspect Leopold's strange behaviour and had also offered him gold pieces and rubies as a prize for his loyalty and he had accepted that deal. He would be rich for the rest of his life if he had the Kings reward and Leopold's. The apothecary informed the palace guards of Leopold's treachery and the guards arrested him at the King's banquet.

"Mark my words King Apollo I shall have my revenge, your happiness will run out, your first heir shall die a cruel some death."

"I'll read the rest tomorrow my love." Niall's mother whispered as she closed the book gently. Her eyes growing tired as she smiled down at her son. "But Mummy, I want to know what happens next!" Niall exclaimed, before sitting up only for his mother to place the book to the side and gently forcing him to lay down.

"It's growing late my angel, tomorrow I'll read you some more but you need to rest." She kissed him on the forehead and stood, readjusting Niall's duvet before picking up the book and placing it on the shelf above Niall's headboard.

"But I'm not even tired!" Niall retaliated, his eyes growing sleepy as a yawn escaped his lips.

A breathless laugh left his mothers rosy lips, her blue eyes that Niall had inherited stared down at her son lovingly. "Go to sleep sweetheart, your dreams will be full of knights and dragons."

"You promise?" Niall said in a small voice. His mother hummed as she stood by his bedroom door. One finger grazing the light switch as she looked back at him. "I promise." She said with a smile before the room turned dark and she shut the door.

A couple of seconds passed before Niall threw his duvet back and stood on his bed, his fingers just barely grazing the spine of the book before he tugged it down and landed ungracefully on his bed. He froze for a couple of seconds but his bedroom door never opened so he quickly grabbed his buzz lightyear torch and hid under the comforts of his duvet. His fingers weaving through the pages before he opened it to the page his mother was on.

Instantly he was transformed to the village of summer where magic was real and his imagination could run wild.

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