Chapter 1: Prius Anima - Lies and intruders

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Alix Ravenfall

I always feel as if there is something waiting for me. Something I can hold onto later on. Something that will make sure that I won't feel negative any longer, but maybe I am just being optimistic, maybe I'll be lost forever.

Brush,brush, brush. My long dark natural blonde hair is being brushed by my mom and I feel her strength against the comb. She was always so strong. Even if I tried to fight her, I'm sure I would lose but she still held so much love in her eyes that it was hard to see her fight anything. Like me she has blonde hair but it is cut into a short bob and she has green eyes. Otherwise we would look like identical twins (though I do have a fraternal twin).

Unlink my mom I have dark blue eyes that look slightly purple in dim lighting.

I stood at a tall and slender 5"8, though I know where my height comes from. My father, who I received my peculiar pigment of eye colour from, stands at an amazing 6"9 and we had to get our house specially adapted for him. Of course, you are wondering why I haven't got a boy friend. Well, as my father is a rather scary individual, I'm not allowed to date until I'm 18- which is today. My father organised a party for me so I could find HIM.

You see, my family are lycanthropes or as you humans like to call it- were wolves. And the moon goddess who created and blessed all Lycans provides a one true love. A mate. They are typically you're other half and completed a person. But alas you are only physically aware of your mate when you come of age (18) and have shifted after the age of 16. I have shifted and my family are quite proud of this as I am a rare and powerful wolf. The white wolf. The legends say that the one who is a white wolf is a straight descendant of the moon goddess and is blessed with an array of powers and will lead their pack to a greater destiny. The last white wolf existed 1000 years ago and did not successfully lead their pack and committed suicide from the guilt of leading his pack to utter ruin. I have a lot on my shoulders but no one is supposed to know and all the other pack members believe that I cannot shift. But when I find my mate, I will tell him. He has a right to know what I am and I will gladly tell him. I wonder what he'll be like. I should be able to meet him tonight, my dad did invite all the packs in North America to my 18th birthday celebration.

My mom pins part of my hair up so the rest dangles down in curls. "You're done Alix" she whispers. "Mom?" I whisper "I'm scared, what if I don't find him?"

"Honey", she scolds "don't put yourself down like that! Of course you will find him. Your an alpha's daughter for god's sake! You're going to have to be more self confident!" I nod slowly understanding her words. If I find my mate tonight I will be leaving with him and I'm afraid of what will happen. Would he reject me? What if I wasn't good enough? I don't think I could deal with rejection. I looked down at my party dress. It was a strapless dark blue dress that reached up to my thighs. Glitter and diamonds were scattered across the dress in a way that made it look classy and elegant. I didn't wear make up and settled for wearing only a thin coat of lip balm. "It's time for us to go down Alix". Getting up. I made sure that my matching wedges looked alright. Did I mention that I couldn't wear heels? Anyways, I walked down the stairs to the ball room, where the party was being held. The noise of the party escalated quickly as my dad spoke on his microphone introducing me in.

After the greetings were all done with I decided that dancing would be a good way to find my mate. There were lots of cute males from other packs here but I was only looking for one. Where was he?- suddenly I felt a tug inside of me. 'Mate. Go to mate' my wolf, Aria, screamed in my head and I wouldn't deny her the satisfaction any longer. I closed my eyes tried to concentrate on where he was. 'You're taking too long! Let me look for him!'

'You know we can't do that! Do you want to risk being taken away from our mate?' I snapped back at her. The words sliced through and silenced her refusals quickly. Now where is he? Then I smelt the most amazing scent ever. It consisted of a minty and sweet honey mix with a dash of mouth watering cinnamon goodness. Whatever that was it was delicious. I must find the thing with this beautiful smell.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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