♕ chapter i

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♕ strawberry milk ♕

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strawberry milk

Coins clinked together melodically in her pocket as she strolled into the convenience store. Waving politely at the elderly shopkeeper before making the familiar journey down rows of parallel isles. Big bang's blue blared through her earphones. She bobbed her head in time to the tune as she flung open the chiller door.

She had been completely absorbed in the music. A singular thought occupied her mind, of grabbing her favourite beverage that it was far too late. Too late to stop the glass door from colliding with an innocent passerby. The metallic strip which lined the edge of the fridge whipped the victim square on the eye. Condensation dripped down the inner side of the glass.

It took her a few moments to recognise the incident. A quick glance to the side confirmed her worst fears. They were wearing the same uniform as her. She yelped a quick "sorry." It was a pathetic apology, but she was too awkward to say anything else, let alone help the poor soul. Her slender hands fumbled around for a carton of strawberry milk. For the six months she had been a high school student, strawberry milk had become a dietary staple. Some might say she was addicted; yet she would argue it provided the sustenance needed to endure high school life.

Even through the melodic notes of the music she was listening to; she could hear her best friends yelling from the entrance.

"Yoobin! Hurry your ass up, we can't be late on the first day!"

That was enough incentive to convince her to leave quickly. That alongside the need to avoid an uncomfortable conversation with whoever she assaulted. She made a beeline for the cash register, which was luckily free of queues.

Not so luckily she had to pass the victim, who seemed eerily familiar. His face was scrunched up, while his palm rubbed his right eye soothingly. He seemed to be leaving the store empty handed.

Yoobin handed the cashier the coins before hurriedly reuniting with her friends. Yuchan drew her into a casual side hug. While Byeongkwan was patiently listening to a giddy Yuhyeon, who was chattering away.
Her movements were so exaggerated, that she could be likened to an animated cartoon character.

"He waved at me! Can you actually believe it?" She gushed excitedly. Her cheeks had a rosy tint which made her appear more alive, while her palms were clasped together. "The Jeon Jungkook noticed me!" Yuhyeon had always been a hopeless romantic, well for as long as Yoobin had known her anyway. Hopelessly, her heart managed to develop a crush on Jungkook —one of the most sought after boys in their year. "Today is going to be the day I confess." Yuhyeon declared adamantly, her eyes were clear and focused. Her lips were pulled into a determined closed mouth smile.

Yuchan on the other hand, looked sceptical. He noticed that Jungkook was in fact waving to Park Jimin, who happened to be stood some distance behind them. Yet, he didn't have the heart to rain on Yuhyeon's parade. "Poor guy, his eye seemed swollen." He said, after clearing his throat in attempt to change the topic.

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