Twenty Nine

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POV: Yoongi
The moment I step off the pink bath mat, my legs feel like jelly. My head started throbbing, I lost my balance, and suddenly there's a really sharp sting on the bottom of my feet. I'm getting so bored of this, now what is it? I look down to my toes and see shattered glass everywhere. Great, I've found another way to cut myself yet again.

What on earth has been happening here then? I grab the biggest piece of glass I could find, cautiously taking it with only my thumb and index finger, examining it closely. I finally see that this is part of a tequila bottle. Alcohol.

Was I drinking? I see other smashed up bottles on the floor, and one that's still full. Did I drink all of this on my own? Tequila isn't exactly the best type of drink if you don't plan on getting alcohol poisoning sooner or later, so it comes as quite a shock that I did that.

Crap, Seokjin and Taehyung are going to see me here, like this, surrounded by this horrendous, complicated mess.

I grabbed the only full bottle and squinted at it. I guess I'm going to die anyway because of this odd incident so I might as well finish drinking it, as I climb back into the bloody bathtub and have another blind swig of the drink. It burns the back of my throat, but it's a good feeling, like I'm on fire.

At the bottom of the bathtub, there's a white, scrunched up piece of paper. It might be soaking wet but I could still read the dripping, sloppy handwriting... in my own blood.

Dear Taehyung and Seokjin
Why should I still keep my ears if I can't hear anything with them. It's pointless, I'm going to cut them off.

This is my blood you're reading this with, the blood from my ear. Funny, isn't it? It's so red.

Thanks for the tequila bottles by the way, Seokjin. I promise to buy you a new stash once I start work.

- Yoongi

I'm confused too, but oh well.

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