Drunk (Sam x daughter!reader)

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Pairing: Sam x Daughter!Reader, Dean x Niece!Reader

Warnings: Underage drinking

Summary: You find your way home a little drunk one night, only to see Sam and Dean waiting for you.

You opened the door to the bunker as quietly as you could. It was well past midnight and you really shouldn't be outside all by yourself at this time. Your friend from school had texted you earlier, telling you that there was a party not too far away from the bunker. You of course told her that you'd come to the party. With you living with your over protective dad and uncle you knew that there was no way that they'd let you go to that party, so you snook out.

You stumbled inside once you got the door open, cursing when you made a noise a little too loud for your liking. The bunker was dark, no lights was on as you spun around to close the door. You felt a little light headed by the sudden move. Alice, the friend of yours, told you that there was no "funny buissness" in those drinks, but there was deffenetly something in them.

The stairs down was a real challenge. You clung to the handle as you made yourself slowly down the stairs, trying not to fall. A heavy sigh left your lips when you got to the bottom of the stairs, relief washed over you that you didn't fall down the stairs, risking to wake someone you didn't want to wake.

The relief was short though as the lights turned on and you shut your eyes at the sudden shift. Someone in front of you cleared their throat and you opened your eyes to see your Dad and Dean stand not too far away from you. Worry and disappointment was clearly read on Sam's face, Dean however had clenched his jaw and with anger written all over his face. Your dad closed the book he had in his hands and putted it down on the table behind him.

"Where the hell have you been Y/N?" Dean's voice rang through loud and clear in the silence and you felt your head starting to pump. Your head was hurting a lot and the loud noice Dean caused only made it worse. "Please don't be so loud, my head is going to explode." You slurred out as your hands came up to rub your temples. "Have you been drinking?" Sam was the one to speak up now, his eyes searched for yours, but you avoided his gaze.

"They told me there was no alcohol, but clearly they lied." You mumbled, keeping your eyes down. "Oh I'm so gonna kill them." Dean started to walk towards the stairs but Sam grabbed his arm, forcing him to stop. They seemed to communicate with their eyes, and you once again was left out. They did that all the time and in some way they just knew what the other one meant. Dean nodded a little and walked out of the war room in the direction to the kitchen.

Your dad wrapped his arms around you and you snuggled your head in his chest. Even though your dad was a giant you've never really been tall. Sam used to tease you about it when you was a little kid, and you always told him that you would one day grow up to be the tallest person in the world. That of course didn't happen.

"I'm sorry dad." The words was muffled in his flannel but you knew he had heard you. "I know you are." His chin came to rest on top of your head and he let out a deep breath. "You worried me a lot, you know. I thought something really bad happened to you." Your arms tightened around him and you knew you were about to cry. "I'm so sorry Dad. I-I should've told you were I was going. I'm never- I will never go outside without telling you again, I p-promise that-" You started to sob and he got down on his knees so that he was in the same height as you.

"Hey, Y/N, It's okay. I know you will tell me next time." He put his hand on each side of your head and kissed your forehead. "It's okay." He mumled. Dean came into the room again, but this time with a glass of water. He handed it to you and you drank it all in one go.

"Get some rest Y/N/N. We will talk more about this in the morning." Dean took the glass from you and you let your dad go with you to your room. As soon as your body hit the bed you were fast asleep.


So that was my first one shot, what do you think?

I'm starting school again in 7 days (ugh, save me), and I'm so not preparedto go through another year of hell. I have to get back to my old sleeping schedule, and not sleep at five am and then later on wake up at 1 pm heheh..

Anyways, I hope you liked this little (short I know, sorry) one shot I made!

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