Chapter 2

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" Clrah, are you almost dune in there?"

" Yah, Mom." I responded taking the towel off the rack and wrapping myself in it. Today was the first day off school. My name is Clrah Sato daughter of Elisabeth Sato my Mom, and Jon Sato my Dad. When I was little my Mom never made me go to school. I was either homed schooled or not schooled at all. I would much rather be out in the woods playing, in steed of sitting in side reading, and studying. I was always happier out side playing amongst the trees, flowers, And animals .  So to try to get me to go to school my Mom and Dad made a plan to blind me a high school, and let me deign it. So living up to my promise I am going to school for the last 4 years of my schooling.

" Right this way Mis. Sato."

" pleas just call me Clrah."

-Car engon starts, door clicks shut- The ride to school was nothing new. I had been their so many times for the construction. I always wonted to see how the building was going and to explore the secret passageways I put in the school for myself. When I got to school it was the same. The car stoped and a bodyguard opined the door, as a young woman came to show me around the school and to all of my classes, which I already knew. When she was not looking I slipped a way, and tucked into one of my passageways leding to the roof.

When I good to the top I headed for the small little hidden room I made for myself. It had a small window that out looked to the front yard with a small potted wight flower on the sil. The room was not that big but it had a little bookshelf a desk. I opined the window as apuff of fresh air entered. After a wile of lisoning to the wind in the trees and the cheater of everyone comeing  to school I thought that so flowers would do nicely in my little room besides the white one. After geting a small vase I headed for the front yard. No one was their, tipacul it was 3 mints befor the bell rang. 

After putting the third twig in the vase I sneezed. I loved late spring when everything bloomed, but I hated my allergies. When I looked up I saw a boy. He was not that tall but definitely taller then me. His hair looked messy like he was in a rush. His faces was ones of a kind person, but his eyes where dark as the ocean blue. I could not make much of anything else out befor my eyes teared up. I picked up the vase and walked away not wanting to talk to him,but I wonder who he was.

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