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As Leon promised. He was going to declare war on Imu.

"Im, help me! Imu hurt Emil, Alfred's preparing everything for war, and I want to do the same. But you have to help me, bro!"

Im sighed a little and sheepishly looked down. "I'm not as near as strong as Imu-"

"But your troops-"

"I'm not as near as strong as Imu." Im repeated, pursing his lips. "But maybe, wait until Alfred gas declared war, wait a day or so, then attack without warning." Im smiled a little. "He won't see it coming — he'll be too obsessed with dealing with America that you'll be able to fuck up his country."

Leon hummed and nodded while the words were being spoken, taking it all into account. He was going to protect his baby.


Imu and Emil were sitting at a desk, Emil wasn't really listening until the name 'Hong Kong' popped up.

"And basically, Leon will have to surrender, because he'll be left for shit because of that new Trump Doctrine America has in place - you know, the one where-"

"The one where they'll go against any Communist countries who stand up against him, yeah, I know, it also said to help any capitalist country against Communism. Matthias told me it all before."

"So, your brother knows a lot about the Americans, huh? Tell me more."

"Like hell I'll tell you.."

Imu rose from his seat, having the worst expression a 15 year old could muster. Humour and insanity.

Emil flinched as the teen glared at him with murderous hazel eyes, eyebrows furrowed, a grin spread on his lips, which reminded him of Tino's war years, and he scrambled out of his seat to the door. He knew this look.

"You gonna tell me?"

Emil didn't want to say no, but he wasn't going to say yes either. "No." He mustered up the courage to stand tall, reigning taller than the Korean. Imu furrowed his brows enough to crease, his eyes were as childlike and lively as ever, and this just worried Emil. The Icelander twisted and turned the door knob for an easy escape, but it was locked. Imu approached Emil, becoming dangerously close, their eyes locked, as it wasn't a large height difference. North had balled his right fist, and Emil was far too frightened to react, and the fist was swung right into the corresponding side of his jaw, instantly creating a dark purple bruise, which stung like a bitch. But Emil knew better than to try and fight back - especially when this opponent was far stronger than the elder teen was. Punches were repeatedly thrown at Emil, and god damn were they painful. It felt like... like Matthias had just made a pillow of lego's and let Emil lay on it, and them let Peter hold his face down into, much like Imu had Emil's head against the sturdy wood door. Korea had stepped on the other's toes, wiggling his foot into the bone on Emil's own foot, causing Iceland grit his teeth. Imu grasped the collar of Emil's shirt, making the bow tighten around his neck, enough to constrict the normal amount of air, but he could still breathe nonetheless, and he pulled Emil forward before speaking;

"Still gonna be stubborn?"

"It's how I was raised."

Imu snarled, his hand pushing Emil back into the door, which broke the door at such force, and Emil felt blood tickle his cheek as it travelled downwards.

"Fine! Fine!" Maybe this was the head injury making him act this way, but he was sane enough to lie. "Matthias would keep everything Top-Secret when it came to America! He'd keep documents about presidents, elections, Doctrines, etcetera, and he also keeps war plans, from previous wars, from both himself and America - if you let me go back, I can get them, if you'd like..."

"No. It's fine. But tell me more."


The Korean-American war has started, and it was brutal, and two countries had already been taken down with two ballistic missiles, 1 per country, and it acted the way the Atom Bomb acted on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, wiping out all citizens, the cities, towns, and the entire landmass. Those two countries were Canada and Cuba, and despite Cuba being on the Communists side, they had betrayed them. Canada protected America, and that's a crime to the 15 year old.

Alfred was torn apart by his brother's death, and his fuel for hatred only sparked more. Imu was far stronger than all of them, and with the entire Iron Curtain on his side, the Capitalists were at a slight disadvantage.

No explosives were used, yet, right now it was just warring, guns, fists, whatever they could do, and Im was trying to come to terms with Imu, but ended up being shot in the lower half of his leg, which made the Southern half much more furious, and he did the same back. They were twins. What one does, the other copies. Simple.

While the two days of waiting were passing by, Leon got involved, an army of 10,000 at least following him. He pointed his own gun up, and fired it at Imu, hitting his shoulder.

Shit was getting real.

"Leon!" Emil screamed, running to jump hug Hong Kong before being roughly pulled back by Korea himself.

"Don't fucking think about it, dumbass."

Leon snarled, his nose scrunching up in hate. "Let me see my boyfriend!" He screamed, setting off a troop to deal with North. Leon stood next to Alfred, alongside Matthias, Lukas and Tino. Berwald was going to stay neutral, he hated wars.

Tino had simply shot down so many Russian soldiers, that was his main take on this war - but it really made his disorder come out to play, and he hated that, but fought through it while he saw Ivan get physically hurt by the Finn, and his own troops.

Leon and Im had charged together to get in a fight with their evil brother, punching and kicking to get him to the floor, and then, while Im was beating the living shit out of Imu, Leon dashed to Emil, hugging him tight.

"Finally... i'm so glad to see you..." the two kissed softly.

"I can't take this." Emil stated, almost calmly. Calm enough that it began to scare Hong Kong.

Emil rolled up his sleeves, showing off the deep scars. "He's too much. He's 15 years old and able to make me cry, bruise me, injure me, I had a broken wrist while I was with him, and if I had a euro for every singly time I got a black eye, I could afford Korea itself..."

This was making Leon tear up, and he cried, holding onto his lover before he was pulled back by Belarus.

Ukraine came up behind Emil, and then all attention was dragged to the quadruple gang, and Leon was thrashing against the Belarusian, while Ukraine had a pistol against the side of Emil's head.

Emil was wide-eyes, teary and shaking: he was hyperventilating. He didn't want to die. Oh god no. He wanted to live.

Lukas had to be restricted by both Matthias and Alfred, and the Norwegian's screams and cries could be heard from the moon and back.



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