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Marine's POV

" King! King! Yo, bro where are you?" I yelled trying to look for him in the rooms.


" Ow!" A small voice of a boy growled from the other side of the hallway.

I turned around the corner and there he was, rubbing his head.

I sighed.

" There you are!" I scolded him. " What are you doing walking around, I told you this would happen!"

" Sorry, I thought I had the hallway memorized.." King groaned, trying to get to his feet. I shook my head.

" Here we go.." I grabbed his arm and pulled him up. " No more of this memorization thing, you're just going to get yourself hurt...What happens if we left one of the doors opened and you go into a unknown room, or worst get outside?"

King huffed. " So you expect me to stay in a stuffy room for the rest of my life?!" he snapped at me.

I felt bad, and my heart ached for him. I looked into his full grey eyes...' I never thought that you were born with a curse like this.' I thought.

It was a few days after Crow took us in.






Crow came over to us, I held my brother close to me, as he began to coo.

" Here, can I see him?" Crow asked.

I was hesitant, but I trusted him. " Here you go, oh his name's King, King Fisher by the way." I say, carefully placing him in Crow's arms.

I could see it in his eyes, when Crow looked upon the babe, it was like the Father side of him emerged.

" Kingfisher, huh?" he chuckled, probably because he and him were both named after birds.

" I named see my parents never had the chance to name him, so it was when I was looking outside I saw one, a kingfisher...our last name is Fisher, so it fitted perfectly." I explained to him.

Crow nodded his head, and then turned his attention to King, his happy expression turned worried.

" What's wrong?" I asked.

Crow remained silent for a while, King was lifting his hands as if he was trying to feel was in front of him.

" Have you ever looked into his eyes?" he asked.

' That's a weird question.' I thought, I shrugged. " I mean I looked at the color, but nothing struck me as odd." I said. " Why?"

" Well, you see the way he's feeling for what is in front of him, towards my voice, and yet he isn't looking at me..." he paused, to look at me. " Marine, I think this little guy is blind."







" Marine?"

I shook my head, and looked at my brother, looking at the wall with his blind grey eyes.

" Yeah, sorry."

King huffed annoyed. " So did you want me to head back to my room?" he asked.

I sighed and nodded my head. " Yeah, I'll help you." I placed his arm around my shoulder and helped him walk to his room. Then helped him onto the bed.

" Are you going to be okay?" I asked.

King, not looking at me, shrugged. " I guess, I mean I can't do much damage just sitting here." he growled.

I sighed, and kissed his forehead. " Just ring the bells on your bracelet if you need anything." I say, referring to the the black bracelet with small bells connected to it.

I left the room, and headed back to the kitchen. Just in time, the sound of an engine began to turn off and footsteps came to the door. It was Crow!

" Hey, how's it going?" Crow smirked, entering the kitchen. I smiled.

" It's great, I really need to find new ways to keep King occupied." I sighed. Crow nodded his head.

" I know he can be an handful, but you got to understand how limited he is.." Crow said, placing some bags on the table.

" I know, I feel bad for keeping him the room...he's starting to change now, and I'm worried for him." I looked down at the ground.

" I'm starting to notice too...he's going to be a grumpy teen.." Crow huffed.

I chuckled. " Yeah, well he's almost there."

King and I are about six years apart. I'm about seventeen now, and King is eleven.

" Did anything interesting happened?" I asked, leaning on one of the chairs.

" Not that I know of.." Crow said sitting down. " Why?"

" Oh, nothing. I was just wondering..." my eyes wandered off a bit. " Do you think the upsiders have some sort of tech they-"

" No! Marine, I know where you're getting at, and there's no way we could get our hands on it.." he said. I was taken aback, but I knew the risk on bringing it up.

" Right, sorry...." I sighed. Crow sighed also, and standing up, he rubbed my head.

" I understand where you're coming from, but some things we just can't fix no matter what, but we can always make the most of it." he said. " King, will learn to cope with being blind, and even if it's his own odd way, he'll figure it out, but you just have to let him learn." Crow explained.

I nodded my head...'I guess I shouldn't had told him not to do that anymore..' 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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