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    "GAH!!" You shriek in pain. Each and everytime he cracks that whip against your body, a shock wave of pain enters it. Not only that, but strength, and the will to fight. "FEAR ME!!" Lui barked at you, cracking the whip against your naked body. "YOU WILL NOT MOCK ME!! I WILL BE FEARED BY YOU!! WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!" You panted heavily. "No, I won't." Lui snarled "Just you wait an'-" "Just shut up already, let's get this over with. But first, I wanna get one thing straight. I'll never be afraid of you, Lui, so get over yourself. There's nothing that you can dish out that I can't take. So just hurry up with this, I've got places to be." Your voice wavered slightly, but a trace of bravery was still showing through. Dropping his whip, Lui walked over to your clothes, picked them up and handed them to you. You took them without a second thought. "Get out," he said sharply "you have no more business here." Wait sorry, I went too far, you must be wondering how this happened. Well then, we'll have to start from the very very very very very beginning.

   It's tournament day and you were about to face Lui Shirasagijo. Your heart was beating loudly in your chest. Your names were announced and the both of you walked out onto your set places on the stage. After getting set, everyone counted down from three.





    Both Beys shoot onto the stadium, Lost Lunior circling the stadium with yours right behind it. You were an amazing blader, better than anyone's ever seen. People were begging the two of you to battle, and the day's finally come. "LET'S DO IT!!" You shout "(Bey name), (Special Move), NOW!" Your bey seems to boost itself and hits Lunior from behind, just hard enough to launch it out of the stadium. Lui's purple eyes widen, as this had been the first time he had ever given up a point. He grits his teeth together as he catches you slyly smiling in his direction. Next battle,




    Now's your chance to try out a new move. Just after the say "one" your right hand let's go of the string, and you jump into the air then, do a single backflip. You then land on your left foot, the other held out behind you and tilt your body towards the stadium. "LET IT RIP!!" Lastly, you launch your bey with full power! It doesn't take long for your Beys to clash with eashother, but this time, you raise your hand up and make a fist, at that exact moment, Lunior burst. The crowd goes absolutely wild! Wh-what the- how did that happen!? Her bey should've burst, not mine! Lui growled at you, while you waved your hands at the crowd, smiling widely. He clinches his fists, and walks over to you hesitantly. Blushing, he extends his hand and says: "good game." But in his mind, he was plotting to break your mind, body, and spirit.

    That night, he followed you home, bat in hand, and nothing good in sight. You had a strange feeling of someone watching you, but you shook it off without a second notice. After getting dressed for bed, you hopped in it happily and quickly drifted off to sleep. It didn't last long though, soon you woke up in a dark room, naked. You shielded your privates and wrapped yourself in what you hoped was a clean blanket. "So, you're up then?" A slightly distant voice said, flicking on the lights. You turned around to see Lui Shirosagijo himself, giving you a cocky grin. Your eyes narrowed. "Where are my clothes?!" His smile faded as he walked over to you without answering your question. Before you knew it he had thrown you onto the floor. "OW!" you yelped "You've disrespected me, taken my title, and then you mock me for it. So don't think I'll let you go without a single word or gesture." As you tried to get up he stepped onto your rear end, and forced you back down. "Now," Lui began "if you cooperate, I won't do anything that bad, but if you resist, you'll get it." You clenched your fists as defeat fell on top of you like a 100 ton weight. Almost out of no where, Lui pulled out a whip. Then, he seemed to get angry, and it began.

    "GAH!!" You shriek in pain. Each and everytime he cracks that whip against your body, a shock wave of pain enters it. Not only that, but strength, and the will to fight. "FEAR ME!!" Lui barked at you, cracking the whip against your naked body. "YOU WILL NOT MOCK ME!! I WILL BE FEARED BY YOU!! WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!" You panted heavily. "No, I won't." Lui snarled "Just you wait an'-" "Just shut up already, let's get this over with. But first, I wanna get one thing straight. I'll never be afraid of you, Lui, so get over yourself. There's nothing that you can dish out that I can't take. So just hurry up with this, I've got places to be." Your voice wavered slightly, but a trace of bravery was still showing through. Dropping his whip, Lui walked over to your clothes, picked them up and handed them to you. You took them without a second thought. "Get out," he said coldly "you have no more business here."

    You obediently put on your clothes and went out of the door. You closed the door and went home quietly, not even caring about the abuse you had just been through. Before it was out of sight, you turned around and faced what you thought was Lui's home. It was only for a second, then you walked home. Back inside Lui's house, he had collapsed onto his bed, and gripped his sheets and started to sob loudly, why? Dunno, maybe you should read the next chapter t' find out. ;) BeyBurstLover, over and out.

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