Testing the Shirasagi

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The next day was a tad strange. So, how about I start from the beginning? You were walking out of the school, not yet out of the door, taps of footsteps grew near to you. Suddenly, a blue flash sped past you. The door flung open and Lui fell onto the ground. He stood quickly and caught the door before it closed. Like, a gentleman, he held the door open for you. Now, don't pass out, but, it seemed like Lui, the one and only Lui Shirasagi was being...nice. Mind blown right? Yeah, I know. You stood there shocked, he looked away from you "Hurry up and get through,  I have places to be you know." He told you impatiently. You smirked to yourself, then gave a smile. You soon decided to put Lui through a little test. "No, nevermind." You said "I think I'll use the other door." You confirmed, pointing to another door all the way down the hall on the other side of the building. Lui's eyes widened, then he scoffed and closed the door, watching you walk off towards the alternate exit.

 It only took a few moments, but Lui soon flew past you at lightning speed, over to the other door, holding it open for you. You giggled and turned a corner that was just before the door. You headed off to another one, there were a lot of doors in this school. Lui was beginning to become agitated, though he refused the give up. Again, his legs carried him quickly over to the door. Then, guess what? You took another turn. This happened many more times. Just incase you're confused Reader~chan, you were trying to see how far Lui would go for you. Finally, Lui got to the last door. No more corners to turn, no more places to stop. Lui panted heavily, sweat dripping from his forehead and other sections of his body. You giggled, a hand over your lips. You walked over to Lui and smiled sweetly at him "Thank you." You said, walking through the door. You stepped outside and handed Lui a cold bottle of water. He snatched it and drank all of it as if he hadn't had a drop of water in years. After watching in shock, you smiled at him and began to walk off. Lui stared, slightly sad that your were leaving. He jogged over to you and walked by your side "I'll walk you home," he assured. You looked at him in surprise, but smiled with a slight shrug "Okay." You reply. 

Finally, you make it home. Lui looked around at your (Favorite thing) decorated room. It was very (messy/clean). You laid on your bed gently and looked over at Lui, who was fiddling with a music box on your armoire. He opened it up and it began playing (soft/rock/pop/favorite genre) music. He was a bit startled when a (Random thing) doll popped up in front of his face. You stifled laughter with your hand. Lui turned around immediately glared at you with a heavy blush. You tense and stop laughing, your gaze drifting away from his. It was silent for a little while, then Lui sighs "Alright.. I guess I can go now." He says, his hands on his hips, looking away. You nod slightly. You didn't want him to leave, but it would be weird if he were to stay.

And so, Lui left without a word. As soon as he left though, you felt queasy, you missed him tons, but you couldn't ask him to come back. With a sigh, you lay down in your sheets and drift off into a deep slumber. Turns out...Lui was a nice guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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