^Chapter 1^

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You yawn as you wake up to the birds chirping outside your window, you sit up and rub your eyes yawning.

''Looks like you're finally up!'' Says a familiar voice

You swing your head around to find Maya standing at the door looking at you

''Wake up sleepyhead!'' She says with a grin

I rub my eyes once more and hop out of bed. I watch as Maya leave the room before i get changed into my F/C hoodie and some black shorts. I walk over to the window, the sky was so pretty in the morning. I opened the window to get some fresh air, I closed my eyes as the wind blew back my hair. I take a deep breath of the cold air, until something else hits me, it smells warm and fresh. Enough to get me to head downstairs. As i walk down the long steps, i end up tripping on something hard, cold, and sharp and stumble the rest of the way down. I look up to see all the Ocelots staring at me. I look away, trying to avoid their gaze until i hear laughing. I look to see them all laughing at me, I stand up as fast as I can, trying my best to look like nothing happened. As soon as i take one step i fall back to the ground in pain. That thing that i tripped on was stuck in my foot!

''Guys cut it out'' Lukas says as he walks into the room. ''Can't you see that Y/N's hurt?'' He'd give a stern glare to the rest of them as they all stop talking.

Lukas kneels down in front of me as he gently lifts up my foot. I wince in pain as he holds it in his hands. He looks at it very carefully, trying his very best not to hurt me. He looks up at me, and I look up at him. He stands up and walks over to the kitchen, and come back out a second later with a wet cloth and a pair of tweezers. He comes back over to me and kneels down again as the rest of the Ocelots are watching. Oh god, i hope this doesn't hurt as much. I say in my head, hoping that it's true

Aiden's POV

I watch as Lukas pulls out the tweezers and gets ready to grab onto the thing in her foot. It looks pretty painful. My eyes shift up to Y/N who's sitting there looking like she's trying not to cry as Lukas grabs onto it and starts gently pulling it out. I hate seeing Y/N so hurt and upset, but at the same time it's fun teasing her. I think back to the good days I've had with Y/N when i hear my name being called. I look up to see Lukas asking if I could grab the another cloth. I nod my head and rush into the kitchen looking for a cloth. I finally find them and bring them over to Lukas. He grabs the cloth and rests it on the ground next to Y/N. I feel bad for laughing at her, if I would have known she was hurt I wouldn't have done that. She doesn't understand yet how much she means to me. I look back up at Y/N who is trying really hard not to scream. Whatever that thing was that got stuck in her must have hurt a lot. My eyes then shift over to Y/N's hand, it's clutched into a fist. I feel the need to grab onto Y/N's hand but that would make everyone know I liked her. I don't want that, besides.....She doesn't like me back.


After Lukas takes out the thing that was stuck in me he puts it down beside him. I keep on noticing that Aiden keeps glancing at me now and then. I wonder why. Lukas picks up the wet cloth that he got from the kitchen and starts rubbing it on my wound. I start shifting my foot from side to side trying to get Lukas to stop, but it was no use. He grabbed my foot with his hand with a tight grip, that did not help.

''It's okay Y/N, I know it hurts, but you have to trust me'' Says Lukas as he reaches over and grabs my hand.

I nod my head slowly, then I see Aiden at the corner of my eye staring at Lukas with sadness and anger. I still don't know why, but i'm going to try and figure it out. After Lukas wipes my sore spot with the cloth, he uses the dry one to wrap around my foot. My foot feels a lot better. Lukas grabs my hand and helps me up, I smile at him and he smiles back. We hear a sound from behind up, i turn around to see Maya.

''Okay'' she says ''Now that we've got that out of they way......Let's start planning what we should build at Endercon'' She finishes with a small smile

''Good idea'' Says Aiden ''Anyone got any ideas?

I try thinking my hardest for anything we can build, but nothing comes up. I feel like my head is going to blow up i'm thinking so hard.

''How about a Beacon?'' Maya asks

Everyone stares at her. {A beacon? Really Maya? :P}

''No, i beacon would be way to simple, those losers have a better chance of winning then us if we did that. I say we build a rainbow'' Says Gill {I don't know how to spell Gill/Gil in this so i'm just leaving it the way it is}

I roll my eyes at Gill wanting to build a rainbow, it's kinda funny though. I can't help myself but let out a little giggle. I then focus on what Gill called Jesse and her group. It makes me mad when they bully them. I look at Lukas also looking a bit upset about that but he doesn't say anything.

''Why don't we build a rainbow beacon?'' I hear Aiden say from beside me

Everyone else exchanges glances before all nodding in agreement.

We all start planning what each of us are going to get. Lukas is with Gill, Maya is with Aiden, and i'm alone. We're about to head out when we hear a knock at the door......


Hello dear readers! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Life without you| Aiden x reader! I update daily, i get a new chapter finished everyday, that's my goal at least :| If I don't get it done by tomorrow then i'm REALLY busy........

XOXO: ~Ginger

Word count: 1138 I know, this is a very short chapter, don't worry though, i'll try to make them longer ;)

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