Chapter 2

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A/N: I will apologize now for any curse words said throught the chapters or for saying God's name in vain. As I said last time, I am a Christian myself and I very much respect God. I also respect your religion very much. Anyways, Hope you enjoy! Bye <3

I open it and see that its from...


JinSoo438: *From JinSoo* Hello...

Kaylie21: *From me* I have been well!

TaeSin10: *From me* 😋😋😋

SoRim86321: *From me* >-< How did you know?!


I click on the person named, JinSoo. Who is this person??


JinSoo438: Hello... YooNa. How have you been?

Uhm? Who are you? :YooNa6

JinSoo438: JinSoo. Of course...

Well yeah... Do I know you? :YooNa6

JinSoo438: No. Well, not yet anyways...

What do you mean? :YooNa6

JinSoo438: You will know. In time.

Can you at least tell me why you texted me? :YooNa6

No Response

Hello? :YooNa6
Are you there? :YooNa6
Can you please answer my question? :YooNa6
Please tell me soon!! :YooNa6
Bye then...? :YooNa6

Back to Real World

"Huh... Strange." I say quietly to myself. I turn my phone off and get up and put it on my desk. As i set it down I hear the door open. I turn around to see JiHee slowly closing the door behind her.
"JiHee?" She jumps slightly at the sound of my voice.
"Ah! Aish... Hello YooNa. You scared me. What are you doing?"
"Oh sorry, I was about to go to sleep... what were YOU doing??"
"I met up with some friends, but I got tired... So here I am?" She sounds like shes not telling the truth. Or at least the full truth. But I decide to let it go since I was feeling like I was going to pass out.
"Ahh, okay. Sorry for questioning you."
"No, its fine."
"Okay then, goodnight Ji Hee..."
"Goodnight YooNa."
And with that I cover myself up with my blankets and slowly, I feel myself drifting off to sleep. Closing my eyes, as the tiredness from this day overwhelms me.

Time Skip: The next week

The last week was filled with some pretty uneventful memories. So Rim and Ali got to the dorm and right off the bat we all became very good friends. So Rim was short but still taller than me. Maybe about 5'6? Her body was on the slim side. Like a healthy type of slim. She had long brown hair with baby blue tips. Which makes me wonder if we are allowed to have colour in our hair, other than natural colours. She had dark eyes. Which looked black. And she had tiny pale pink lips. She looked like a doll. Ali, had black hair with bangs that she curled every morning. Her hair stopped at her shoulders and curled inwards torwards her neck. She had brown eyes originally, but she likes wearing her blue coloured contacts. She says it makes her look more western. But in all honestly she looked much more Korean than the rest of us. She had a slightly chubby figure, and braces on her teeth that are almost perfectly straight. I start school today, and other than Ali, So Rim, Ji Hee, and the two guys, who I havent seen since last week, I don't really know anyone. I woke up at 4:27 this morning because it was storming. I woke up covered in sweat and kinda sorta screamed when I woke up, which probably woke everyone else around our dorm up, and Ji Hee, So Rim, and Ali.

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