Chapter 2

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Imagine this but bigger.


Timmy P.O.V.

I smiled at the big classic/modern mansion in front of me, unlike most mansions in the wealthy development of Dimmsdale, it was made of dark oak and spruce and had pink and purple accents here and there. The bad thing about my home is the Buxaplenty residence, Remy is so going to demand an explanation later this evening. Walking inside, I follow Plum to the second floor. Her room was the first on the right, while mine was on the left, in the middle of the hall was a sitting area with pink, blue, and purple hydrangeas. I smiled at Plum as I opened my door, closing my door behind me, Cosmo, Wanda and Poof, poofed out of their old fish tank. "Wow Squirt, this really is a big improvement from your old room." Wanda commented with wide eyes as Cosmo flew around the vast new atmosphere.

On the far wall of my room was giant round bed with a pink bed set, the sheets were made of the softest material and the mattress was extremely comfortable. On the right wall of the stood a giant fish tank complete with a big fish castle and marine plants, to its left stood the bathroom door, while the right held the walk-in closet's door. On the left wall stood a medium sized flat-screen TV, underneath it was a hip-high wide shelf full of videogames and every game console that ever existed. A few feet to the right was a large desk with a computer, many monitors, and a PC tower sitting next to, the desk chair was replaced by a pink and red gaming chair. A large red rectangle faux fur rug laid in the middle of the room. On either side of the door leading into the room were tall in wall shelf, the right shelf held 199 volumes of thick textbooks for extreme geniuses, while the left held half a comic book collection. And to finish off the room big pink beanbags dotted the room.

"Yup! I wish all my stuff in the truck were here in my room." All three of their wands twinkled as they granted my wish, and room suddenly had a handful of boxes in my room. "I wish all my clothes and hoodies were put on hangers in the closet. And I wish all my comic books were put on the shelf with the others." Once granted the last boxes were labeled elementary, middle school, and sports, one at a time I picked up each box and placed them in the very back of my closet. I turned to face all my fairies, "You guys want to meet my little sister now, she is just across the hall." All of them gave me uneasy glances, Poof was the first one to speak up, "Umm, what if your parents see us pass threw the halls." "Well my parents have always known about fairies. You see my step-.. *sigh* my mom is the princess of the sugar plum fairies, so it isn't that big of a deal." Upon hearing that they looked much more at ease.

Plum's room is as big as mine seeing as it pretty much was a mirrored to the layout of mine. Her walls were pastel purple with blue accents, her giant rectangular bed laid against the right wall. It's bed set was a blue and purple diamond star pattern, to its left was a giant pile of Stitch plushies, while to its right was her silver vanity which was covered and filled with wand parts. A window seat was on either side of her balcony doors, heart shaped shelves dotted the walls around them. A giant purple and blue butterfly rug was laid out in the direct center of the room, an indoor swing was 10 feet away from the rug and five feet from the right window seat. A giant bowl of candy sat on a table on the left wall between her closet and bathroom door, her drawings and posters were skillfully taped to her wall.

Plum was in her birth form (Gray skin, cat ears and tail, and heart shaped fairy wings. everything else is the same.) flying up to place up a new drawing on the wall above her candy bowl. "Trying to keep out candy monsters?" I chuckled, Plum turned towards me and smiled, "Hi Tim Tim! Hi Tim Tim's fairies!" They all waved at her, "Plum, this is Wanda, Cosmo, and Poof. Poof actually is the exact same age as you." She gave Poof a bright smile, "Cool! Wanna play Poof?" "Sure." The two fairy kindergarteners poofed up some building blocks as Wanda, Cosmo, and I left the room. As we reentered my room I told my fairies I was going to video chat a friend of my in the city of Porkbelly, "Sure thing squirt! We'll be moving into our new castle while you do so." With that Wanda and Cosmo retreated into their new fish tank, sighing I placed my back pack besides my desk and brought up skype, and brought up Johnny Test's contact. Placing my new textbook next to the keyboard as I clicked the call button, as soon as his face popped up on the screen I spoke.

"Sup Blondie."

"Hey, Brownie."

"Thanks for helping my dad get the new volume dude, I love the card on section 2, theory 4. It was a nice touch."

"I'm surprised your dad didn't check the pages before wrapping it. Considering that I'm your best friend and your Ex."

"Well our break up was mutual. Also before I forget, my mom wants both our report cards to be full of A+"

"Got it! No purposely failing assignments. So..."

"No I haven't told my friends that I'm gay yet."

"Really Dude. I still haven't told my talking dog, my sisters, or my father that I'm bi. So I can't judge."

"Welp it's almost dinner time, I'm having dinner with my new neighbors, the Buxaplenty's."

"Dude. Your crush is going to be there. This dinner is asking to be a train wreck."

"I know. Call you later."

"Bye." "Bye." Turning off the computer as the call ended, I headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Might as well be clean for this dinner.

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